Friday, May 31, 2024

April, first one back in Utah

The month started with Spring Break. Typically spring break for us is spent in Bentonville, AK biking and having a good time. We tried to keep some of the traditions alive by biking and eating at a Mexican restaurant. We added a tradition, while we were biking Maddix was up at Sundance with friends, snowboarding. I love that about Utah; we had beautiful biking weather at the same time he was up snowboarding. 
We then drove to Vegas and spent the night with Garett and Gloria on our way to California. 
In California Travis competed in a Half Iron Man with his sister, Larisa. They were awesome! On the way home we stayed again with Garett and Gloria and enjoyed going out to dinner, hot tubbing, and daring the boys to get in the ice cold pool for 15 mins! 
Sports season started up: baseball for both boys, track for Maddix, and soccer for Addie; Avery’s age was all full. The weather so ridiculously cold for a spring in UTAH! But it’s been a wonderfully wet and chilly spring! 
My dad asked Avery what she wanted to do for her birthday and she told him “eat pizza and garden with you.” So they waited until it was warmer and he and Wendy took her to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. Then they purhased gardening tools for her and helped her plant her own flowers. 
I had a sibling day where we hiked the Y and then went down to support my mom at her massage-aversary party. 
We threw April a little Lemon 🍋 baby shower/dinner.
Maddix got to shadow Travis at work for a day and see what it’s like to be a “boring old family doctor.” 
A couple of bday parties for Addie. We put money down on a puppy. A date with Avery… and pink eye, lots of pink eye…. Lots. 


Thursday, May 16, 2024

March - First back in Utah

 As I look back over the month of March, I realize it was largely a month of celebrations. We celebrated Gpa Vaughn’s bday, Grandma Janet’s bday, Avery’s bday, U. Colton’s bday, enjoyed Maddix’s (freezing) track meets, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter (with all the different grandparents on different days), and Avery’s birthday (on a few different nights, including a princess party). Travis even took the girls out for a Daddy-Daughter Dance night at the end of Avery’s birthday. They danced for hours and when they came home Addie stripped her shoes right off and said, “I can’t even feel my feet anymore.” I’d say that’s a sign of a GOOD NIGHT! 

We hosted a missionaries in Germany Night, and the food was amazing, as well as the lesson our “missionaries in training” had prepared for us. 
Poor Aaron had teeth pulled to make way for his metallic devices he’s going to have to make way for braces. 
The kids practiced hard and performed with Janelle and her choir for an Easter celebration. 

We were able to attend the open house for the Manti temple (where we were married). What a beautiful pioneer-made temple, but man the line to get in (even with tickets) was insane! 

Snowboarding with his friends Peter and Evan this season. 

Addie and I went on a whole day date. We started by touring through Belle’s village where she had tea with Mrs. Potts, arm wrestled the tavern master, thre axes with Gaston, and made herself a beloved Magic Mirror. We then went to a baby shower where she was spoiled with attention. We snagged lunch and played at McDonalds. Then we went back to the school and watched the Beauty and the Beast play. She was so tired by the end, but had a WONDERFUL DAY! 

Vaughn and Lori were King and Queen of the winter ball for the Young Adults. Lori had me do her hair so we drive down to take pictures of their wonderful night.