Sunday, July 20, 2014

~July Update~

Well where has this month gone? I'll tell you: for Travis it's gone the same ol' same ol' just sitting in the wood chair at the table in the corner of the room, or studying in the same cubicle day in and day out. For him, each day is the same repetition of too much reading/memorizing and not enough sleep, or family time. 
For me the month has been a constant wonder if I'm going to make it through all the studying :) I know I know, at least I'm not the one having to study; at least I get to take the boys swimming, to the park, shopping, the library, do school time/ reading time, swimming lessons, go to work, change the diapers, clean the house, change the diaper, deal with time outs, outbursts, refusals to eat, puking, cleaning up poop, vomit, clean the house, diaper, more fits, more outbursts, etc! 
I am pretty lucky
"No don't cut ANY of my
surfer guy hair!"

Bucket head; compliments
of brother
"Mom come find me! I'm
hiding in your dress!"

My view as I leave to work:)

A typical day for us contains anything from working out, swim lessons, the park, Phineas and Ferb while making lunch, errands, fruit smoothies, etc.

 I love this pictures of Maddix, he looks so much like Travis; so grown up!
 We love our spinach and fruit smoothies
One of our Costco runs... it was DOUBLE what I thought it would cost!
The other day when we arrived to swim lessons there were some firemen parked nearby and Maddix HAD to talk to them. They gave him knuckles, asked if he could do "ice cream scoops," showed him around the fire truck, and gave him stickers. Then as we were about to leave an ambulance pulled up with some fully dressed firemen who came over masks and all, and gave Maddix knuckles. As he ran away he yelled, "when I grow up I'm going to be Fireman!" 

Also fun we've done in the month of July has been our Chuck-a-rama Softball games; they're over now but they were fun  while they lasted.

Group photo with Provo Chuck after the final game
Thanks to all our goofs who came to the games!
 We are "Chuck" strong
After the game Maddix really wanted a turn up to bat so some players from the Provo Chuck were nice enough
to take him out on the field and pitch to him so he could be included; he loved that I finally let him stay up past his bed time and come to the park to watch of the games. 

Now the best part of the month so far was tonight, we all got together at Fort Utah to watch my brother, Colton open up his mission call! 
Georgia Macon Mission
English Speaking
Reports to the Provo MTC Sept 03
Congratulations brother!!

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