Sunday, May 30, 2021

Baseball, Landscape, Baseball, Grandpa

 I just re-read my last post and I don’t think anything has really changed! Ha ha. Yesterday I sat at Maddix’s baseball Clear Lake tournament for 7 hours while Travis, Grandpa Vaughn, and the Rollene’s worked on our yard. Aaron killed it at babysitting the girls all day so travis could just work.

We’ve also enjoyed the end of year festivities at the school: Field Days, a new playground, and an “escape room” for Maddix’s Specials class that Travis accompanied him too. And on Saturday Travis KILLED it in his first ever triathlon! Mind you it’s been rainy and cold, but he still did the swim in Clear Lake. He came in 5th overall in the swim and took second in his age bracket! I am so proud of him. And the fact that he came home right after it and just began working on the yard! 

And a lot of rain as of late. It’s been a lot. I couldn’t believe it was only 40degrees and rainy on the last day of school. It doesn’t even feel like summer break yet because we are still waiting on that sunshine!  

While Grandpa has been here he’s been a work horse! He has also watched War with Grandpa with the kiddos. Baked cookies (lots of cookies) with them. And accompanied Maddix to his “Outlaws Night” at the high school. 

I have to say that during the course of this yard project, I’ve felt so blessed by the amount of people who have pitched in to help us out. My little gardening expert, Shirley who’s helped me shop for plants and learn how to properly plant a garden .... which by the way froze two nights ago and I lost half my plants. The Hammond boys for all the hard labor. The Young Men’s program for changing their activity to coming over and working hard! The Rollene’s, for EVERYTHING! Sydney, for babysitting so we can actually get work done! And anyone else who’s helped that I haven’t mentioned.