Monday, December 23, 2019

All Things Christmas
This Christmas season seems to be flying by too quickly; however, I feel like we've been able to really soak it in by participating in lots of festive activities. To start, we attended our Ward Christmas Party the Saturday both my sister and Travis's brother were in town. My favorite part was watching both the boys perform in a nativity skit. I didn't have white robes, so they had to wrap towels around their waists... which kept falling as they tried to also hold their piano music ha ha. Aaron's eyes kept getting SO big each time his towel would start to unwrap, and Maddix kept trying to stay focused next to the fun boys all around him, but he did a great job! They both did! 
Afterward we rushed up to Minneapolis and waited in a crazy long line to see Santa while Travis took my sister to the airport. The kicker was that after waiting in an hour plus line, Travis missed being in the picture by less than 2 mins! So Garett acted as our stand in and I think we will never forget the year Garett came to town. Then we snagged some dinner at Cadillac Ranch; best time we've been there! 
We've been watching lots of Christmas movies and reading tons of Christmas books in front of our fireplace. We've enjoyed a Hot Coco Bar/Polar Express Night, had our Christmas Piano Concert, and attended Maddix's 3rd grade play in which he was the lead role! He was Hughey the Snowman and had a solo song; he was AMAZING!Then both the boys volunteered to play their Christmas piano pieces during they school's holiday assembly! Aaron's sweet teacher sent me photos and said they did an amazing job. 
 We also hosted an Ugly Sweater/Cookie Exchange party and hope it will become an annual thing. 
We went to a friend's home to graham cracker house building and then ended the night with our annual Christmas book reading with Gpa Vaughn. 
At church the YW had a White elephant party, we caroled with the YM and missionaries, and on Sunday we had our special Christmas program, followed by a hot chocolate and cookie bar. After church we  had a gentleman from our ward come over with the missionaries and we had Cafe Rio and watched Mr. Kruger's Christmas. 

Stand in: Uncle Garett

Notice Avery's pants and Addie's bow. Moment's before this picture, Addie was
ripping the bow out of hair; I almost didn't get it in the photo. And Avery peed
all over her AND Travis :D

~Home Decorations~
Christmas Village

Our Nativity form Gma Eileen
These are all from grandparents... and not even
all our grandparents yet! Why did we even buy our
kids any presents??

We threw a small Cookie Exchange/Ugly Sweater party

The boys performed in a piano recital and this time
we were lucky enough to have Susan AND U. Garett

I made a horse stable, and afterward realized
I should have made reindeer :S

Party Treats

Maddix was the lead in his 3rd grade play!!
He was Hughey the Snowman and he was

party treats

YM White elephant party.
We also went caroling at the next activity as a combine activity

He was so so cute! Every time he
passes our piano he'd sit down and
practice We Wish You A Merry

Maddix was so professional, and after
he finished you could see the weight of the world
lift off his shoulders! 

He had so many lines! 

And he had a solo song... which
he nailed! 

Oh and he volunteered to play his
Christmas piece for the school assembly!
(Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer)

and THIS little boy also volunteered to play.
He was SO nervous and excited! 
 ~Christmas House Building at the Cannon's Home~

Hot chocolate bar night along with the Polar Express

proud siblings of their older brother! 

Their piano teacher hosted a Holiday party during their lesson;
Aaron loved the Hot coco bar, and Maddix sang along with all the
carols his teacher would play! 

 Ugly Sweater/Cookie Exchange party! 

Part of the cheering section at the boys' piano recital 

Scouts/Mutual activities allow us a little time for just the two
of us eat Wednesday 

I also tried a new hairdo for Christmas Sunday

I sang a duet in church, so I decided to buy a new dress.
Failed Family photo

Second attempt at a family photo.
Sunday before Christmas; we had a hot chocolate
and cookie get together after sacrament

And today I ended up rushing out to grab some last minute gifts that I didn't think we needed... (oops), and then we had friends come over to play. Then we had the missionaries over for left over Cafe Rio and games! 
And now I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas eve! And it's already shaping up to be a very fun and busy day!! 

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