Friday, March 20, 2020

~Life Post-Coronavirus~

I don't mean for the title to come off as dramatic, only to serve as a bookmark. Just a spot so I can look back at and know where our new schedule began... our schedule of having far less to schedule!

We are taking quarantine very seriously.

We've been able to properly prepare (to the best of our knowledge) due to Utah being ahead of the trend. It seems that whatever Utah does, we follow 3-5 days later. When Utah ran out of toilet paper (you heard me), we did about a week later. Dairy and bread... then we ran out as well. Potatoes... you get the picture. But thankfully, we didn't have an earthquake in the midst of a buying panic that then spawned new fear and panic; I can only imagine how hard it is to buy food there now.

Just to note, in case anyone looks back and reads this in the future: we aren't under quarantine because we're hoping to stop this COVID-19 virus; we are simply hoping to slow it down. China was just hit out of nowhere and their casualties and panic was such a surprise. Then, Italy's healthcare system was obliterated by the overwhelmingly high volume of sick that flooded their hospitals. We are seriously hoping to save our own healthcare system by learning from other's experiences. The whole thing is just unreal in some ways, and in others, it's really nothing we can't live through.

I feel there are many blessings in what's going on. We are being forced to stay home and be as family units, without all the distractions and add-ins to our schedules. We're having to rely on one another and have faith that everything will work out. No one is fighting the political and religious topics that usually consume our media streams. I've watched many miracles and felt many promptings over what stores to visit and what items to purchase, just before they became impossible to find.

One morning I we in search of toilet paper for Sweet Susan and I missed the last case by an hour. As I vented concerns to the cashier he seems to moved and asked if I 'd leave her address. He then drove over after work and gave her two of his very own rolls!! What an amazingly kind man! I felt so so much gratitude to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to be apart of that wonderful moment.

I've also been trying to make it through the Book of Mormon by Conference, and I'd only made the goal last month, but I'm almost done. I've NEVER read through that fast. It's the first time I've ever read the Book of Mormon and thought, "if I were a convert, I'd definitely join this church because the truths are just SOooo evident!" Does that make sense? I mean, I've always had a testimony. I've always loved the Book of Mormon, but it's always been confusing. Reading it at this speed has allowed me to follow its storyline and understand the details and just how clearly it speaks to us in these last days; I cannot shake the feeling that God is SoOo present in my life. That knowledge allows me to feel calm (or at least more so) during these unknown times.

These are some scary times. Someone posted a funny meme stating, "How's 2020 been going for you?" The reply was, "Well... we've got this virus running ramped across the world. And Kobe Bryant died. And Australia has been on fire; however, the memes have been great." :D I got a good laugh out of that.

... Anyone still here and reading??

Okay, well I know I will read this again later, so I'll record what we've been up to! We sleep in, eat hot breakfasts, then do school work. We have recess. Do reading times. Chores. Play together. Share in the puppy responsibilities. And drive each other a little (lot) crazy. I absolutely LOVE having the kids home with me. I love incorporating ComeFollowMe into their school curriculum, as well as piano lessons. Each morning we switch off which boy is in charge of watching the puppy while the other boys assists me in the kitchen with making breakfast. I love that they boys are learning practical life skills while also still getting their school education. I don't think I'd ever want to keep them home for homeschool as a permanent choice, but that's only because I want them to have the lessons that I feel can only come from being in a social setting; otherwhise I'd keep them home with me always! They are such an amazing help!

Welp, have a reward of some cute pictures as a reward for reading my ramblings above.
This is my favorite stroller I've ever owned.
Just look at the joy it brought me with the boys, and look how
much joy these girls are experiencing years later! 

On St. Patrick's day I found this in my yard;
I have it on my fridge, and it will stay there until
this quarantine is over and things start to get better

New remote spot; it's been
working like a charm

The boys are currently having a sleepover

I mean... I get to stay home and look this face
all day long! 

Outdoor reading time! 

This was our at home Sunday Service. One person wasn't too
happy about the church cancellation and insisted on still
dressing up. 

Just wondering what life was live pre- quarantine!

The boys took Addie and the puppies on a walk all by themselves!
Lily is in the bottom basket because she was "a pill." 

Just as we started swim lessons, they're now postponed

He did a sweet jump over the snow
pile and nearly wiped 

Family walks

They were pushing each other; it was
adorable! And I wish I had a picture
of Avery pushing Addie! 

Recess on a rainy day

Happy first day of Spring.... snow.... 

These guys push each other's buttons, but they are
THE best of friends! 

Exploring for earth worms and forming
mountain biking trails

Watching Curious George. She just kept
giggling and hanging her tongue
out of her mouth
in concentration

Nala's getting use to Lily

Our last playdate before we officially shutdown. 

Also I just have to mention how sad I am! The missionaries just showed up at our door tonight and our dear dear Elder Empey is being sent home immediately because he's a health risk during this COVID-19 issue. As soon as he heard he told his companions to drive right to our house so he could say his farewells to us. He was tearing up as he said goodbye and promised one way or another he'd be back to see us. Then our other Elders informed us that they might be taken out of the area as well... this was hard to hear seeing as we just love them. Elder Wilde has been here 8 months! We don't want to see any of them leave. 

Trust in the Lord. That's all we can do. 
I'm so grateful I'll live with all my dear friends and loved ones in Heaven someday.

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