Saturday, April 18, 2020

~EaStEr CeLeBrAtiOn~

We are now completing our sixth week of being just at home (we were on Spring Break the week before the COVID Quarantine started), but before I jump into all of that I want to give Easter it's own post; it deserves its own post, i'd say. 

Unfortunately Easter Sunday's weather was less than compliant for an outdoor hunt, but thankfully a few days earlier in the week were pretty! And THANKFULLY we have some awesome friends who surprised us with reminders that we're not alone! 

One friend and her family left us some personalized chalk messages over in our church parking lot. While the girls were napping, the boys hopped on their biked and I jogged behind them. When we got there, it was like a little Easter hunt to find all our messages. 

Then the next day, our other friends surprised us by hiding eggs in our yard and then leaving a note for us to get started hunting! 

Easter Sunday was spent eating LOTS of delicious food! I put together a "Make your own Bunny Bar" where the kids assembled their own pancake bunny :) We had our traditional fruit pizza, shaped like an Easter Egg. And then for dinner we had a HUGE feast: Grilled chicken, salad, bunnies in the grass, our bread bunny, twice baked potatoes, etc. 

There was much feasting, and much time devoted to the reason for the day: Jesus Christ. The boys (mostly Maddix; Aaron lost interest) watched The Ten Commandments...

... and then there was a fair amount of yelling, crying, arguing, button-pushing, and getting tired of each other. That's life, right? 

Happy Easter, 
May the knowledge of, and faith for our Lord and Savior be enough to give us the HOPE we need to look forward to the days that come after Quarantine. 
(Loved the reminder to focus on Hope that I received today while reading the blog of another friend)

printables sent from Grandma Jo

This was the day before; I was missing Ruby's Diner, in Cali.

This year we tried water colors instead of dye and I LOVED
doing it this way! 

Our new Easter wreath

I just love these two! 

Normally I just make all the bunnies myself, but this year I set the plates up
in order of body parts, and the kids really enjoyed assembling their own bunnies;
so I think this is our new tradition. 

So focused

Found her basket! 

Our table set up

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