Monday, October 3, 2022

One busy but FUN week!


The BEST morning so far!! First time with all the kids in school and I was in Heaven! I felt prompted to reach out to different people and this day I followed through. I dropped Avery off at school and went to Target. I was in that moment and present. Just soaking in being at the grocery store alone and focused. Then I went to Bill and Shirley’s and chatted with Bill for awhile; it was so good to see him and talk. 

I then went to pay the trailer storage payment and ended up in a lengthy conversation with the sweetest woman there. Had a wonderful phone call with my mom while I took in the beautiful fall around me and waited for Avery to come out. 

Once Addie was off the bus I stuck the girls in The biking trailer and we took Sydney some get well items. On the way home, I crashed due to my clip less shoes. 

Travis came home on his lunch break and then I found awful diarrhea all over my carpet, from Lily; yuck. 

When the kids came home we had a treasure hunt, celebrated with our treasure, and watched Pirates if they Caribbean to celebrate International talk like a Pirate Day. We had Pirate Soup and had Callum and Kael over for Root beer floats. Good day. 

Boys left for school
Addie’s bus drove her away as Avery chase the bus down the sidewalk. 
We had exercise hour with our friends 
Played outside while we waited for Addie’s bus to bring her home. 
That evening Aaron had raptors practice 
More happened. But I can’t remember. 

We were barely into our workout when we found the dogs covered BADLY in diarrhea and vomit. This resulted in a workout cut short and  very early morning baths for the dogs whisk travis cleaned up the laundry room; ugh. 
Aaron was so positive that we at least found it early and that we got more time together. 
Had to be out the door by 8am to get to Ames for an allergy apt for Maddix. The drive was BEAUTIFUL. God is a brilliant artist. 
After the apt (where we found out Maddix is very allergic to grass and weeds; with a smaller allergy to horses) we went to a park and ran around. I ended up chasing them all over the park and was exhausted by the time we left. And after Maddix and Avery fell to the ground during a race, they were ready to go as well. 
Snagged Chik-fil-a for the drive home.
Home in time for Avery to snuggle me for 10 mins before we had to turn around and leave to piano lessons. 
During the lessons we played tag and kicked the soccer ball around until it was time to go. 
Mutual/ Activity Days (got challenged to 1-on-1 basketball at the end). 

Avery started the morning by screaming that “everyone is going to hate this dress…” “they will HATE my Butterflies” “okay actually I hate the butterflies” for about 15mins. Then as soon as she got to school she turned to her teacher and said, “do you like my dress? The butterflies are my favorite…” like, wha?!
I went for a run in the beautiful fall weather. I had a hair apt. 
Maddix ended the evening with soccer practice.  

The kids got to celebrate the Highschool’s homecoming by dressing in spirit colors. Travis came home on half day and Shelby and I headed up to the cities for the night. We got spray tans that were so dark! We picked up dinner at the mall and then chose to take it back to the hotel and eat it while watching a Friends marathon. Overall such a nice night. 

What a day. Hotel breakfast. Shopping at the mall with Shelby. Getting lost in St. Paul while looking for the temple. I could help but see the gospel lesson in such a moment: lost. No Siri as I searched for the temple… 
Maddix and Travis joined everyone in the temple while Shelby and I took the kiddos to Costco. Oh how I love Costco! Then we met up with everyone and dropped the kids off at Pizza Ranch whisk Shelby and I headed home… to find my mushroom FULL of vomit, pee, poop, and diarrhea! Nala had even vomited into the vent; this resulted in Travis having to come home and dry vacuum out the vent!! 


What a perfect day. Ward council, a beautiful testimony meeting in which Maddix bore a testimony on temple work and his believing in Christ that had us all in tears. I taught Young women's, Travis taught Elders Quorum. Quiet times after church where Addie got to join the boys in the Lego room. Took dinner to a friend/had a wonderful conversation. Came home to scarf dinner and then enjoy a “family” home evening lesson with the missionaries on our back patio under the stars, next to our fire.  Reading before bed. Time with Travis. Bed. 
I just felt all day that my cup was full. What a perfect way to begin the new week.   

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