Tuesday, August 6, 2013

(: Cousin Time :)

This past week has been quite a fun one filled with lots of family time, and especially cousin time. 
How lucky is Maddix to live so near to all his family and friends? Pretty darn lucky. 

I have really enjoyed watching him and Keili play together since arriving home. Don't get me wrong, I'd say 70% of the time is spent bickering and being angry, but without fail when playtime is over and it's time to leave one of them is always sad they have to leave; and more times than not Maddix is crying that he has to go. 
What is his face all about? I don't know, but I love it

The other day we ended up at Larisa's with the intent to go to the pool, however the weather turned a little cold for the littler two babies. Instead Keili and Maddix ended up playing out in her yard in the sprinklers. Their little laughs and squeals were quite fun to listen too. And while Keili is a water loving expert, Maddix is still getting used to it, but with the helpful example of his fearless cousin he soon stuck his face right over the sprinkler and even came up laughing from his new trick! 

Another playtime I got listening to their game and it went lie this, " Maddix it's time for school. Let me dive you there." "Okay. Come pick me up later." "Alright, and Maddix don't forget your phone so I can get a hold of you." "Okay. Bye, call me later."... what little adults they are. 
 Then the other day Larisa traded us Aaron for Keili and we took the little adults to the Scera pool. As soon as we got there Keili was over helping Maddix remove his sandals and then they were in the water. It was so fun being able to play with two older kids without either of the babies there. We played this game where Keili was the Princess, Maddix was the Muskateer, And Travis and I rotated between being their horse and the bad guy who would steal the princess away! We had a blast and can't wait to hang out with the girls tomorrow.
"Throw me the rope!" "Grab on Keili"

"Get the Nala!"

This girl loves the swings
Finally enjoyed bath time!
YaY fOr CouSiNs!

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