Wednesday, August 19, 2015

7 Years... Really? It feels like more:) In a good way!

I wrote about Monday in the previous post, so I'll quickly recap Tuesday-Sunday of last week.
The highlights were getting to be a family while doing errands, haircuts on Austin st. & Costco

Picked up Trav from his night shift; poor guy had been awake for 30hrs.
Took a walk down Austin st. with Camden and Whitney:
this included french fries, and waving at the trains! 

We had a cleaning day where I put on the Les Mis soundtrack in the background and the songs were in order so Maddix began asking questions and before you know it we were basically watching the movie in our minds as I explained the battle songs, and the struggle between the characters (obviously edited for a child), and before we knew it we'd been cleaning for almost 2hrs and the songs were over. Now Maddix walks around talking about the movie. 
We rallied at the church to get it clean and was super pleased to find at least 15ppl there cleaning!
We played in the pool out back before Trav had to go back to the hospital.

This was our 7yr Anniversary!
Although Travis was at the hospital the day still started out special because Maddix and Aaron fixed me breakfast:) Big bowls of cereal. Made kept saying sweet things about how wonderful it was that it was our Anniversary. My next surprise came when the boys basically played amongst themselves and let me finish Travis's gifts while Travis slept. 
Then off to church. 
Travis and I were able to make dinner together, something we love to do, and just 
enjoyed having time together. So here is to a happy and crazy 7yrs together; bring on eternity! 

I love this man

And I loved this dinner!
Honey glazed Garlic Chicken over Rice

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