Sunday, March 4, 2018

Travis off of work= Newly painted room and plenty of family time

This is not only a recap on the end of February events, but also an intro into how March has been going, so I feel like there are so many ways I could write everything out... in hopes to capture all the little moments that were tender and memorable, as well as the fun activities we've done lately; so THIS is how I'll go about it: 

Events in the Past Two Weeks:
Went to the Residency Dinner to see Daddy who was on a 24hr shift.
Babysat Baby Jay and had a day of babies!
Had the Elders over for a final dinner before E. Woodbury was transferred.
F.H.E activity: Travis chose pizza, treats, and watching Coco... the boys did NOT like it!
Maddix and I took a Date Night to HyVee and found a killer sale!
Aaron's movie night choice: 101 Dalmatians and popcorn as the treat
We had our first play day outside of the year because it was warm! 40 degrees and a warmer wind was perfect for riding bikes, cleaning the garage, and playing in the mud!
Went to a Lady's Painting night at a friend's, but had to take the kids so I only made it 1/3 of the way through the tutorial before we had to leave; however, I don't think it would have improved much had I had time to finish it!
Had Green eggs and ham breakfast burritos to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday!

Moments to remember:
-played a piano duet with Maddix; our first!
-LOVED watching Aaron stripped to his undies, following behind me with a paint brush, helping us paint our room! 
-Aaron dressed up as "Nick" for the Dr. Seuss parade at school and didn't understand why no one recognized who he was (Nick is a little black boy on the show) and concluded that had he just had a black wig then everyone would have known!
-Watching Maddix play Uno with Adeline and laughing hysterically when she won... she on the other hand didn't seem to know what was going on!
-Watching Maddix hold Adeline on the porch and tell her all about the outside world.
- Peaking around the corner to find Maddix comforting a distraught Aaron. He had his arm around his shoulders and was telling him comforting words to make him feel better.
-Watching Maddix hold Adeline in her room and tell her stories while I got Aaron tucked into bed.
-Hearing Adeline's cries stop suddenly while I was using the restroom and then finding Aaron in her room singing to her to make her happy!
-I have enjoyed making dinners with Travis each night!

Special things that happened for each person:
 Read his first sentence "Cat and Bat."
Had a day where all he wanted to do was give service! He insisted on preparing treats and coloring a picture for one of our neighbors and then delivered it. He then asked what else he could do to give service, and helped me clean out the garage by sweeping all the sand out. 
- LOVED helping us paint our bedroom!
-Enjoys baking with me any chance he gets
 Laughed for the first time!!
Has started squealing and making herself heard whenever she can! 
Looks adorable in everything she wears. 
Loves everyone.
Had her first playtime outside :)
Just turned 4months old: Sleeps from 8pm-7am (give or take an hour either way). She's now eating 10-12mins on each side, or a 5oz bottle each feeding. She stays awake about 2hrs in between naps. She can sit by herself for a few wobbly seconds. She wears size 3 diapers. She enjoys the swing, bumbo seat, and being held. She is less fond of laying on the floor or in her winnie the pooh seat.
 Had his last basketball game of the season; was so aggressive and good at getting the rebounds.
Dressed up in Wacky Wednesday clothing and looked awesome!
He was gifted some baseball cards and they are his new love and obsession! Aaron Judge is now his favorite player, and baseball is all he wants to think about!
He has now been placed into a 2nd advanced reading program since one wasn't cutting it. And he's also been jumped up a level in math.
 I've been enjoying reading to the boys since Travis has been unable to and cuddling with them after they're freshly bathed and bundled to stay warm.
I went out to do Visiting Teaching with my new companion.
And today was released from my two church callings (Compassionate service coordinator and Primary teacher), and put in as the Secretary in the Young Women's Program. I have to say how I really only decided how much I love Primary maybe two weeks ago... and now I have to leave it. Just as I found my groove. But I've been told that you don't get called into callings you're good at, but into the ones in which you have lots to learn. And seeing as I keep bouncing around callings in short amounts of time I guess I just have lots to learn. I'm looking forward to my time with the YW. 
 Decided to paint our room!
Took Aaron on a date.
Took me on a date to Pasta Bella and then we walked around Ashley Furniture.
Travis built a dino play dough land with Aaron one morning.
Has sat down and just played around with Maddix. 
Enjoys quizzing the boys on math problems at the dinner table
Is back to being exhausted all the time again. He works such long hours (combinations of 24hr shifts, no weekends off, and shifts that average 14hrs each; we're almost there!)

Ice rain... craziest stuff I've ever experienced

Last Basketball game of the season! Go get 'em Maddix! 

Thanks everyone for such fun (and memorable) night! 
This just sums him up to me: creative, imaginative,
and always wanting to play

Baby day! 

~Whacky Wednesday~

Off to Visit Teach in my new prescription
sunglasses Travis bought me for
Valentines Day!
Thanks Babe!!!

Like a little ray of sunshine in the midst of
this gray winter! 

Date Night

The morning a pirate came to breakfast

~ MeLt My HeArT~

 She is just TOOOOO much fun!! 

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