Sunday, May 13, 2018

Pneumonia, Finals, Spring Cleaning, Mother's Day, and more....

Coming home, I was hoping to hit the ground running. 
Instead I found out I developed Walking Pneumonia, and I was down for days.
Maddix was also diagnosed with early symptoms so he was kept home, and he saved me! 
There were times I couldn't lift myself from bed and I remember hearing Maddix get the baby out of bed and play with her. 
Other times he'd bring her to me to feed her and then make lunch for Aaron; I don't know what I would have done with out that incredible young man. 

After vacationing and being sick, I was left with a very short amount of time to complete my finals. My wonderful husband took over bedtime routines. The boys spent the majority of three days at other's homes. Addie grew accustomed to seeing me sit in the same spot in front of the computer, with my books and pencil, unmoving for days. 
My house fell apart. We ran out of food. And I didn't sleep much. 
But I did it. 
My last final ended up 38pgs long (the 3rd case that was over 30pgs this semester. The longest was 56pgs). It also had to have a professional PowerPoint Presentation attached. Now that my portfolio is done and submitted I have to wait for it to all be graded and returned to find out if I passed or failed my capstone class; it's an all or nothing deal, and I just CAN'T imagine having to repeat all the work I put into that class... so PRAY that I passed!!!! 
And my other final was a cake walk compared to that. 
So, the semester ends on the 17th and for better or for worse I'll be officially done, and as long as I passed, I'll be GRADUATED WITH MY MASTERS!!!!! 
So, next blog I'll discuss that more, once I know for sure.
And Thanks Travis, for brining my home some lunch as a Congrats, the next day! 

The very next day after I finished finals it was time to turn my attention to New Beginnings (an event we hold for the girls in our church that are entering into our Young Women's program). While I was at the church decorating, I heard a ThUd. This beautiful little bird had flown into the glass and was now stunned on the ground. When I left, it was still there, so I did what any sane person would do and built it a mini shelter and left it a capful of water. When I returned that evening I brought it a worm, but happily discovered it had recovered and flown away; yay! 

Then, with New Beginnings done it was time to return my attentions to my neglected family and neglected home!! Cuddles, riding bikes out front, actual meals, and a MASSIVE amount of cleaning and we've pulled ourselves back together!! 
As an added bonus, for Mother's Day, Travis took my simple request to get some bike hooks for the garage and bought a whole shelving system so we could get everything off the floor and away from the car doors so I don't have to tip Addie at weird angles to fit her in the car since the doors can't open (We have a very small garage, but HEY, it's an attached garage! So I'm not complaining). 
After a soccer game, an emoji bday party for our little friend Keaton, and then a nerf gun battle that Maddix hosted at our house for a few friends, we found some time to get the garage all picked up and completely organized!! 
Guys, spring cleaning at my house is feeling sooooOOoo good. But now it's rainy and cold again, so I've lost a little steam; man we're dying for the sun to return. 
This brings us to Mother's Day: 
The boys were so excited to give me their beautiful and thoughtful gifts, that almost made me cry. They had genuine pleasure on their faces, and innocent hope in their eyes as they watched my react to their gifts they prepared on their own. I loved them. And they loved that I loved them. 
At church Travis spoke in sacrament meeting and.... it's safe to say his talk was the most MEMORABLE of the MEETING.
He shared several funny stories about his uncle and grandma, but the real attention grabber was his sharing of my Regina George story (you can find that in a previous blog). I knew it would be a doozy of a story when he began it with the disclaimer, "My wife is going to kill me for sharing this story..." 
Needless to say, he received many many compliments over his talk (which he did relate back to scriptural lessons and it was really on point), and people asked me,  
"SO, how dead is he???" 
After church they gave me more wonderful gifts, along with questionnaires they filled out about me that make me giggle. 
For lunch, we had Susan over for waffles and enjoyed her company until she had to return to the hospital to check on our sweet Glenn. Maddix said the most touching prayer, and in that moment I don't think I could have loved him more. 
Travis made us Steak Fajitas for dinner before having to head to work (boo). 
At bedtime, I had the wonderful opportunity to sit on the porch, holding Addie while she drank her bottle and chatted with Maddix. Then, tucking Aaron in bed, we just snuggled and he wrapped his tiny little arms around me and I just drank in the smell of my freshly washed little squeaky. 
Then, with the others tucked in, Maddix and I snuggled on the couch and talked for a half hour after reading the book he got me, and I truly enjoy the walls that have been broken down for him since our trip to Cali/Utah; he's more loving, open, vulnerable, trusting, and relaxed. I'm so excited to have more time with him this summer break. 
Now to end the night I've drank a cup of blueberry herbal tea, wrote in my journal, blogged, and enjoyed my movie that I always watch when it's just me. 
Safe to say this has been a Mother's day for the books. 
I'm so grateful for the people in my life. For the family and friends around me. For the mom's in my life, whether by blood, or adopted in. 
I'm grateful to be a woman. 
I'm grateful to be a mom.
I looked out and they were reading a "magic spell" book.
They then ran in the house and Maddix transformed me.
As they left, Aaron ran back in, very concerned, and reversed
the spell so that I'd be normal again :) 

A treasure hunt 

Kazoo and Harmonica band.
I'm not sure how much she liked it

Not feeling too well

Travis got the trampoline set up! 

Final day of finals! 

I thought I might not make it! 

We brought the piano back with us! 

~Happy Mother's Day~

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