Sunday, June 3, 2018

Memorial Day and and a Bieber Sized Rage for Kites...

Memorial Day could be a separate post in and on itself; however, I'll try to briefly sum it up:
Early morning run (first time I hit 4miles since before Adeline) w/ a friend
Yard Work
Ultimate Frisbee with about 10 other families + Missionaries
Yard Work... including the planting of our new trees! 
Cleaning the House
Crazy Scary Storm that drove the kids fearfully into their room to hide in a tee-pee while watching the i-pad to take their mid off the storm
Then an -indoor- BBQ with some friends from the residency and card games
Well, I guess it was easier to sum than I thought; however, it was a seriously BUSY DAY. By the end of I'd been on my feet for over 15miles and taken over 28,000 steps! 

We celebrated the end of the school year! We finally made it to the school to eat lunch with Maddix, then accompanied his class on their walking field trip to West Park. From here we rushed back to the school in time for Aaron's end of Preschool musical performance! Oh I can't believe my sweet and energetic little Aaron is going to be a kindergartener and be gone at school all day long this fall!! 

So then, I must record my Epic Kite Fail: 
Recently, someone said to me, "you have the picture perfect family." 
Well.... no, BUT we do live in the day and age where digital phones and and social media filters allow us to literally create perfect pictures, this does not equal a perfect family! 
Case and point: 
Yesterday I thought I'd create a fun memory with my kids by taking them across the street to the empty parking lot to fly kites before dinner.... (nope)
So I strapped Adeline to my chest in a baby carrier, 
put the kites together, 
and took them out into the evening wind to fly these awesome kites. 
30 seconds. 
I made it maybe 30 seconds before completely HATING this outing!!!!!!! 
Aaron's tail was all twisted around the string. 
Maddix ended up slipping on a pile of dirt and getting hurt. 
Every time I  would untangle one kite, the next kid would hand me their kite; all the while Adeline kept grabbing the cord and tail trying to eat them. 
And this wind wasn't blowing straight; it was swirling. So EVERY TIME we attempted to fly the kite it spun in circles and dive bombed it back to the ground. 
I was angry. Short tempered. Just MEAN. 
And I realized, if these kites were people, they'd be Justin Bieber. They were difficult, frustrating, supposed to be some good clean fun, but then turned out to be a big old pain!! They were meant to fly because they were kites, and they lacked the ability to perform... just like the Biebster!! 

So I now remember why I never liked flying kites as a kid. And this time having a baby strapped to me only made it harder to get running and untangle the kites. Then to end it I finally said, "That's it. We're going home! Don't walk too close to each other or else.... " 
And it was at that point that Aaron ran through Maddix's kite string and COMPLETELY tangled and ruined the kites. And I don't even have it it me to untangle them. 

So anyway, not as epic has my Regina George moment, but anyone that knows me and knows how much I DON'T like Justin Bieber will understand on just what level i DETEST flying kites! 

The view in Payson, Utah and it makes me homesick! 

First time sitting up in the grocery cart

Preschool walking field trip

First time in a swing! 

M's movie night choice: Lego star wars. Aaron
made tai fighters and an asteroid field

Putting in a Garden! 

Memorial Day Fun

She's going to be a dancer! 

Cleaning up the fall out from the storm

Family Date to celebrate the end of school! 

Last Saturday morning cartoon run for the summer!
Here comes a t.v. free summer! 

A: "Mom, when you come in, only tuck in Maddix. And
Don't look behind my pillow."
Then this is what i found in his pillow 

Travis got off work, drove two hours to a wedding, stayed
for a bit, and then had to drive back home.
He was tired, but made sure to support his friends.

Playing a baseball learning app with the dog

Aaron's Preschool Class

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