Sunday, January 5, 2020

2019 Recap

I feel so guilty each year when friends and family reach out for our address to send us their Christmas cards, and I never do the same. And if ever there was a year to send out a Christmas card, it was this one! So, to all of you wonderful people, please keep sending us your cards, and I HOPE to get one sent to you next year!

Things to Remember in :

We survived the Polar Vortex; we were literally the coldest place on earth during one of the week's this month. 
Addie was so sick 

 I turned 30!
Was enjoying "gyming" with my friend each day 
(We were both pregnant and going to the gym together each day, but not always in the mood to actually work out, so we called it "gyming" as more of a social placeholder in our day until we could really push it again!)
Had some sever Cabin Fever! Thank you Longest/Coldest winter, EVER.
We were on the news

Travis and I both coached the boys' basketball teams
Addie ended up so ill that she went to the Hospital with severe dehydration
I fell down some stairs and ended up in the hospital for observation
Gma Lori arrived to help with baby
Avery was born! March 29th, 4:52am

Travis, his mom, and the kids went to Nauvoo while I stayed home with Avery
Travis had a week off work to help out.
My mom came for almost a week to help
Lots of Easter celebrating/me surviving with no sleep

A VERY rainy spring! 
Baseball season started for the boys
I started going for morning walks with the girls
Travis went on lots of mountain biking adventures
Boys' camping trip/Girls weekend 

Tennis and Swim lessons
Our very good friends moved away
More baseball and more mountain biking adventures
Avery's baby blessing/ Trav's family come to town
TRAVIS GRADUATED RESIDENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Utah trip/beginning of Travis's 7 week vacation

End of the Utah trip 
We contracted a house!
Travis started his new job!! 
Said goodbye to more of our friends
Travis took the boys and Addie on a weekend trip
Back to school: Maddix- 3rd grade, Aaron- 1st grade

A VERY frustrating home closing, then FINALLY moved into our new home!!! 
Hosted a farewell party for our wonderful neighbors before we moved
Stayed in complete awe over the fact that we moved
Flew out to California to celebrate Gma Eileen's 80th birthday at Disneyland and a beach house

A month of endless illnesses
I took a weekend away.... just me!
Maddix's football team were first place champions! 

Still sick
Aaron started wrestling (and it's his LOVE)
A piano smashed my hand 
My sister came to help due to my injured fingers
I dyed my hair!

Travis's tragic birthday where he had to wrap his own gifts/make his own food
Garett came to visit/hang out with travis as a bday present/ ended up doing all my house work!
Maddix had the lead in a school play
Boys both volunteered to play piano in a school talent show
Aaron's first piano recital (he practiced SO hard!) 
Largest Christmas we've EVER had! 

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