Sunday, July 5, 2020

~Our Month of June~

The month of June was so much fun; hence, i've been too busy to actually update the blog! 
Every few years or so I feel like you have one of those summers that top the rest; those types of summers that you reflect on and reminisce about all winter long as you're freezing 
in the house... for months on end! 

The biggest reasons for this summer being so outstanding stems from 1) The new neighborhood and 2) The girls being on the same nap routine! 
Thanks to the first, our kids are endlessly outside in pools, playing baseball and kickball, night games, nerf wars, sprinkler fun, volleyball, bike rides, etc. And the second reason allows us the opportunity to go out on a few activities each week. Typically we've been going out to Clear Lake once a week, and then gathering at the ball fields with a bunch of Maddix's friends from school and his baseball team. Other weeks we've gone to the park with friends, long walks, hanging with friends that came into town to visit, hosting a residency farewell bbq, father's day, or seeing Susan. 

And summer wouldn't be summer without baseball several nights a week!

Addie just enjoying the drive on Father's Day

Hired two of our sitters to come watch a house full of kiddos while
we went on a duo mountain biking date and came home to have
only one of them still awake! ha ha.
Poor thing; we wore her out! 

Travis's authentic German breakfast! 

Poor baby smashed her face into the bottom of the couch
and popped a blood vessel; her eye turned SO SO red! 

The views on my morning runs are BEAUTIFUL! 

Mountain biking date/pastry breakfast

 The BEST big brothers to these girls! 

Add was in LOVE
with these rides! 

10 mins after we set up this net they all
came over.
"If you build it, they will come!" 

Father's Day Drive

HaPpY FaThEr'S dAy! 

Such a beautiful and CROWDED beach day! 

She LOVES her bike and tells everyone,
"I practice and my dad take me riding
in the mountains."

They are each other's favorites because
they feed each other! 

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