Wednesday, July 31, 2013

~Farewells to my wonderful Sister~

My Sister, Tayla is now Sister Wells, serving in the Chicago Illinois Mission for the next 18 months. I know she will make a great missionary because she has a big heart, pure intentions, and plenty of room for improvement and humility.
              I posted on her new blog all about the events leading up to her departure so I won't reitterate it all here, but here are a few photos from the events we had just before she left:

This was just after Tayla's endowment session where I was supposed to be her escort but didn't notice until I got there that my recommend had expired the previous month; thankfully grandma lives just a mile down the road and was able to be there in no time. 
Tayla's farewell
The night Tayla was set apart, then we went for ice cream

Afternoon lunch as a family at Brick oven before taking Tayla to the MTC
Arriving to MTC
Tayla and the person in charge of whisking her away

Snapped a quick one before she could object long Sis Wells!