Monday, September 1, 2014

~Summer Lovin' Happened so Fast~

Summer have been a lot of fun this year. It was so nice not being pregnant. I loved being at my grandparent's home where we have so much more space for the boys to run around! The only bummer was the ample amount of studying Travis had to do day in and day out, week after week. Every month of the this summer was spent devoted to his Boards exam.... which is still hung up on ONE piece of paper. Just one. So while he studied, we continually came up with activities we could do to leave him alone; however, Travis has done an amazing job at fitting in time with us! We honestly haven't felt neglected because each free moment he's had he has spent with us:) And we've loved every memory we've been lucky to create with him this summer. 
For our last week of summer we:
~Babysat some of our friends who really enjoyed outside Hide and Seek! And as Travis rode his bike to the library to study... he had a wasp hit him in the face and bite/sting his lip! So he benadryled up and passed out.~
We had F.H.E smores and storytelling around the fire pit 

Maddix telling us his story
~We gave our car a deep scrub from inside to out! And the boys found it so fun that they had to wash something of their own as well:)~ 

He was bringing his ride
over to be washed:)

Let the washing begin! 

"Mom, do you need to be washed?"

Laid out the disney blankets
so the boys couldn't dirty the
seats, and so it seemed
more like their own
I love this car. There isn't a day I'm not grateful
for the HUGE blessing of owning "Blewis"
as Maddix has named it:)
~We packed up a lot of our summer clothes and broke into Aaron's upcoming fall clothing that he'll grow into. I about DIED. 12-18months were the cutest sets of clothing we had for Maddix and I'm so grateful it's time for these outfits to be worn again!~
Winter Bison Hat :) 

Winter hats for everyone:) 

our little gangster babe
~We Went to the Park~ 
(Where Travis got stung AGAIN, on the arm)

He's fearless

He as mastered the playground

~We attended Maddix's Preschool Orientation!~
He is so excited to start at a REAL school!

~We also went to the Scera pool with Mackenzie and Mercedes, my good friend Whitney whom I used to go walking with while pregnant (we had our babies the same day) and her boy Ryder, Travis and Maddix, and then ran into Larisa and her family. It was our last trip to the scera pool for the summer. I'm so grateful for all the pool time we've had this summer!!~
~Travis brought the boys in on Saturday to come eat and see me at work and while they were there they happened to be there at the same time as a group of pirates... with a Pirate Ship in the parking lot. They were nice enough to let him tour and even wear a pirate hat.~

~We also were able to attend the temple Tuesday night for Colton's Endowment session ( A step we take in the Church to move towards God and entering the temple fully). I can't believe my brother is leaving on a mission in two days!~ 
We also barely missed is Eagle Court of Honor

And we were able to attend his farewell on Sunday, as well as our other cousin, Jill's farewell. Then we drove to Salt Lake to pick up Grandma Juliene and Janelle from the airport where I was once again reminded how much I LOVE my car and it's huge trunk! 

Two sacraments in one day can be rough on a three year old.

It's even worse for his baby brother! 
Colton, the soon to be Elder. 
THEN.... for the CRAZIEST thing Travis and I have done in...
........... my whole LIFE (years for Trav;)............

SO this entire summer my co-workers and I have been going for hikes, working out, and enjoying the outdoors. Well, we wanted to end the summer on a high note so 5 weeks ago we planned to hike Timp. 
Of course, I was never for a midnight hike; I like my sleep.
But after days of being told how old and boring I am... and that they all wanted to watch the sun rise, I relented. We planned a midnight hike and I prepared for the day that would follow it. 
As it went: 
We met at the Will's Pitstop and they followed us up
Waiting in the car and re-thinking
why we had made this
Then by 12:30am we were on our way up the trail! I have no pictures from the beginning because I was too busy FREEZING! 

But then we got hiking and it warmed up (for a little while). 
We took a few wrong paths, enjoyed the company of about 100 other hikers! 
(Apparently BYU does a Labor Day Hike each year as their last Hoorah before school starts. WE go lucky to pick the same night as them). 
Did I mention how cold it was?
Was watching the sunrise really worth it?
Maybe ;)
As we got higher and higher is just got colder and COLDER. The wind ripped through us and by the time we reached the saddle at the top most our group was just miserable... not all though;) So we snapped a photo of the gorgeous valley and headed back the way we came. There was NO WAY we were going to go another 45 minutes in even colder and stronger winds! 
The Valley at night as seen from the top of Timp.

This was gorgeous.

Finally, the sun came up and we could stand to stop moving
for just a moment and snap a photo. 
There were a good 30 mountain
goats on this one hill

Met some friends on the way down and they snapped this
picture for us.

Then on the way down we were stopped
and held back to a space on the trail because just ahead of us was a woman strapped to a board
being supported by a medical team. They asked us to wait away so the helicopter could
come life flight her away.
It was pretty cool watching the helicopter approach and the man just slide right out on his rope.

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