Saturday, May 25, 2013

Our First Week Back

It's hard to think that as of tomorrow afternoon we have been back in Provo for a whole week. Time has flown by and most of it was in a tired zombie state as we pushed through the jet lag. But as fast as it's gone by my heart still hurts knowing that our European adventure has come to an end; that we can't just call our friends and go say hello to them. As Travis continues to finish the semester, clean the apartment, and pack up all his belongings it hits me over and over again: that is no longer our apartment. Don't get me wrong, I know while we were there I complained often about how bored we were, how I felt like we were just passing through the days, and how I missed family at home; however it's just hard to move on. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like change initially; I will fight it and miss how things were, but once we've adjusted into a new pattern I am fine and I jump right in. 

So as we get used to being back for the next year know that I am overwhelmingly happy to be back with family and friends, have a yard, water from the tap, a car, a bath tub, instructions in English, warm weather, etc, but I am going to miss so many things about our time in Europe; it changed us. Made us grow. Evolved us, you could say, and I will always be eternally grateful for our time there. WELL, this post is not meant to be sad or tainted so I will now post some of the wonderful things we've been able to do in this first week home while we await Travis's arrival: 
This was in St. George. Just
playing with hats and swords
Play date to the park with Maverick, Hadley,
and Mattix

Having some snacks and getting used to
each other again:) The kids I mean
Playing Hide n seek with Cousin Keili

Rockin' out to his new guitar (a gift
from Brian and Camille)

We have enjoyed the days my siblings have been able to come over, when cousin's Keili and Allie come to play, both trips to the park  with friends and dinner at Maverick's house, ice cream at Chuck-a-rama while I filled out re-hire paperwork, playing with Nala/bedtime with Nala, a leisurely walk around the neightborhood, talking to Travis everyday, looking at construction trucks with grandpa while I went for my Dr.'s Apt, a few late night jogs with Garett, playing in the sandbox at the snow cone shack, and (my favorite part of the day) reading time together at the end of the night when we snuggle under a blanket and read some books just before bed time. We have also been running errands non-stop since our return, or been on the phone with one call after another trying to get insurances set up for this baby to come, but that stuff is a little less enjoyable, but has just as equally kept us busy!!

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