Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A Late Update: 10 Months!

Say Seriously, wha????? 10 Months! That's almost one year that he's been here with us! How does time always manage to fly faster and faster?

Sleep: He is an incredibly good sleeper; seriously, even if he takes a 3hr nap he'll still sleep all the night through.
Weight: He's getting bigger.... probably 18lbs-ish. He is FINALLY easing into regular milk, slowly however, and we're hoping we can extend his formula from 1 week to 2!
Likes: Well, pretty much everything and everyone. Loves singing, whether it's with himself or anybody else. He is becoming ever more interested in our Nala. He eats up any and all attention from his brother, even the rough attention. He LOVES his daddy; I'm not even kidding when I say he is Aaron's favorite person on the planet. Everything is "daddy-dadda... daddddaaaa dadddaaaa." When Travis leaves the room, Aaron is right on his tail:) Enjoys being mischievous! He will crawl over to the V.T. room, wait for you to see him, then once he knows you're coming for him he takes off and giggles all the way away! He LOVES his morning shower time; maybe more than life. He is starting to throw the ball back and forth and giggles each time it leaves his hands. He also thinks it's funny to shake his bottle back 'n' forth and let the milk splatter all around... oh he thinks it's hilarious!
Loves ramming his walker into
anyone or Any wall so he can
then flop  himself over and laugh.

Just loves being a big boy with
his awesome big brother
Pure mischief!
Dislikes: He still hates the space of time between placing him on the kitchen floor to the print where the bottle is in his mouth, hates it! He gets pretty grumpy he finishes his morning bottle and is left to crawl around for too long because he KNOWS it's supposed to be his shower time... and boy does he LOVE his shower time!
"Oh just give me my bottle!"
Anything Else: He can crawl up and down the stairs. He waves. High fives. Almost blows kisses. Does this funny crab crawl on his hands and feet through the grass because he doesn't like the grass on his knees. He can walk, just doesn't; he really is days out now. Does this funny squawk-growl as he attacks, chases, runs away, eats your face, or gives kisses; it's sort of his signature sound:) He just finds himself to be so funny and never fails to make himself laugh, or anyone else around him. He's feisty over food or his personal bubble from brother, but other than that he's a mellow-sweet tempered little boy that makes anyone who meets him feel special. And everywhere we go people comment on what beautiful big blue eyes he has; he's my little angel boy. 
I love him dearly; we all do. 

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