Thursday, May 1, 2014

April showers have brought MAY flowers

Hasn't this been the most beautiful Spring so far? The weather has just been perfect; the truest Spring Utah's seen in awhile, I think. It seems like every other day we have a gorgeous, warm sunny day, then it's followed by a storm. Some storms have been just strong winds. Some storms have been full on rain, and on Monday, we had another snow storm :) 

Maddix was pretty excited to go make snowballs and play. And now, three days later, he is outside in shorts and a  short sleeve shirt riding his bike all around; it's a Utah thing. 
For the past two years I have made a blog post on May 1st and I wanted to keep that up. May 1st is becoming somewhat of a day of celebration for me. It means the first day of the month that will kick off that summer feeling. It's that Golden day when people begin leaving thoughts of school behind, and the vacation plans start to solidify. It's a GIANT holiday in Poland where the entire country shuts down, and so the past two years I've been able to celebrate that. So here's my post! 

And what have we done today? Unfortunately, I have the flu. So Travis has been studying AND Daddying, but I did get to sleep in until 8:45! I got to cuddle with Maddix to an early morning movie, Harry Potter 2, and I got up enough strength that we took Maddix to the trail so he could ride his new bike. And boy, did he get cruising! Now I'm wiped out again so I'm curled up in a blanket on the couch, about to nap before I have to go to work..... 
....HAPPY MAY 1ST!   

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