Saturday, May 31, 2014

~Summer Lovin' Had me a Blast~

Once again, it's a picture marathon because the days have just been too jam-packed to remember it all; all i know is when we're not sick, we're not inside!
Day At The Park with Keili and Allie
Ali and Aaron swinging away

Keili and Maddix climbing away

Learning to Climb Trees
Aaron's first time driving the cart like a big boy!

One of my co-workers and good friends got married to my manager, and also good friend after a long time being together:) I thoroughly enjoyed myself. We started out by taking a limo to Park City where we had dinner at Cisero's and played a few games/opened presents. Then after that we went downstairs to their bar and.... freaking danced and kareokied until we couldn't sing anymore! 

Drinks in the limo

Bride to Be

Dancing the night away!

Getting Crazy
Very crazy! 

All the ladies who came to the party! 
I think the best thing about going out with the ladies and having a fun night on the town was knowing that Travis had the boys on a boys camping trip! Travis even had his dad come along and they had a great time:)
Travis said Nala slept curled up on Maddix's feet and right next
to Aaron's port-a-crib; she is such a good girl. 
One dirty boy when he
came home!

Enjoying some fishing. 

The next day I was able to go on a 9 mile run before Travis and I went up to Sundance for the wedding. Everything was beautiful, especially the bride. The night was even more fun than the night before. We formed a giant circle and just danced crazier than I have in my life. We started with just four of us, but by the time we ended we probably had 20+ people. The night was a blast! 

Some of our Chuck Crew
Memorial Day
Walk to the Provo River Trail

Driving around
Playing at the park

Watermellon makes the season perfect! 

Love this face! 
~Boys Night with Trav's best friends~
these boys will always be boys at heart
Racing down the hill

Trav clipped Fern's back tire
U. Colton's High school Graduation
Why are graduations so long??

Maddix did a pretty good job entertaining
himself... well not totally by himself

But by the end we were snapping
tons of selfies just trying to make
it all the way through

Congratulations Colton!

We are so proud of the young man
you have become

These two are great men

 Flooding in the Backyard
So the irrigation water turned when it wasn't supposed to, and the end result was a backyard covered in water and a giant bubble of water building under the grass! Maddix and a few of his little friends Peyton, Beckem, and Oakley had fun playing in all the puddles.
The water blew up through
the well started flooding
the whole yard

The water bubble that began
forming from all the water

Just having fun spinning around in all the water

Kicking the soccer ball through all the water

We had a blast!

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