Saturday, January 11, 2014

Baby Update: 6 Months! ~ Better late than never

As of January 5th, you're officially half a year old. You're getting so big, yet you still feel so small to me:)

Sleep: Well, this would be a different story if we didn't live with so many people, and if I didn't get off work around 10:00 most nights.

  • You go to bed at 7:00-7:30pm each night with relatively little fuss. I wake you up around 11:00 and feed you, and you squawk back to sleep within about 10mins. 
  • You have been a good boy about staying asleep until 6:30-7:30am; however, once you get away with even one night of waking up earlier... you try it again and again. This is where living with people blows! I am having to pick you up and rock you and force you to keep your binki in so you don't wake Maddix up or anyone else in the house. 
  • So now that I want to break you of the 10:30pm feeding habit I'm finding that you will wake yourself up because that's what you're used too... it's going to FUN trying to break that! 
  • And lately you've been waking up around 5:00am and SCREAMING for 20-40mins before going back to sleep.
  • You wake up in the mornings between 7:00-7:30am, nap around 9:00-9:30 until 10:30-11:30. Then you take your next nap about 1:00pm for an hour-ish, then sometimes another quick and short snooze around 4:30pm. 

Weight: You have chubby little cheeks! As well as roll polly legs! You're adorable and I THINK you're probably 15.5lbs, but that's a guess.
Likes: More like LOVES:

  • Paper and the act of eating it!
  • Big people food. No matter what it is, just as long as it gets in his mouth
  • Your brother, Maddix; he's your fav person ever! 
  • Your new found independence from getting bigger
  • Bath time in Gma Janet's large sink
  • Being teased and made to laugh
  • Anytime someone says "Hi."
  • Toys, especially in your mouth
  • Chatting, chatting, chatting all the time
  • Flirting with women; you love the ladies!
  • Being cuddled
  • Any and all ATTENTION given to you. 
  • Sitting on the heater vent
  • And soooo many other things


  • The carseat! You have to be in a rare and relaxed state to be okay with the carseat
  • Toys when they get away from you and you end up on your belly trying to chase them
  • Crawling further and further backwards when all you want to do is go forward! 
  • Being left on the floor for too much independent time:) 
  • Being laid on his back! Makes changing his diaper difficult
  • Still doesn't allow me to eat Chocolate, pineapple, broccoli, or Cauliflower without getting an upset tummy
Anything Else: Holy Smokes you're a grown up lil' guy now! You are getting too big! While Travis was home, I think it was Christmas day even, you began sitting up completely by yourself! Within a day or two you began rolling all over the place, getting wherever you wanted too. On that same day you also learned how to get up on all fours and rock back and fourth:) Now you are skilled at getting up on all four, rocking until your knees move and you do a froggy hop to move around. Then, the other day you saw Grandpa in the hall and decided to roll clear acrosss the room, get up on all fours, then sit yourself onto your bum (I've yet to see it, but I have seen you sitting yourself up after being down)! You are beginning to grab little bits of food and move them to your mouth. You are now eating the little puff snacks. You eat really any big people foods, and the other day I turned around to see you trying to drink from brother's sippy cup; your face when I caught you was priceless, like the first mischievous look of many to come!! 
 Also, I've had to take a medication for Mastitis that I think has been hurting your tummy a bit. I do know for sure that it has helped your bowel problems. You've gone from the baby that only poops once every three days, to the baby with about two a day blowouts! Geesh! Never has a mamma been so happy to see you poop, however, if you could avoid your clothes, that would be nice. Now that i've finished the meds, I think you're starting to just normal out. I hope you don't go back to being constipated all the time again!

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