Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Rest of Our Week

Today was a nice day. 
Maddix and I enjoyed some fun time together outside just sledding, playing basketball, running up and down the hill, wrestling, and having a ball while Aaron napped. He just laughed and laughed, and for once I didn't find myself checking my phone every few minutes to check the time or worry about what else I needed to be doing; truthfully I didn't even have my phone with me. 

At church Aaron was such a chatterbox. He kept saying, "dad" and "dadda" so I filmed it during Sunday School and sent it to Travix who was VERY excited to receive the video; he misses his boys so so much. Also cousin Bella (4yrs old) and Colton (my 17yr old Brother) were with us at church and the Relief Society Pres. came over and said, "Lacey, I didn't know you had 3 little ones, or that your HUSBAND came home already:)... no NO, this is my brother, and my cousin. It was quite entertaining. 

Also today we got to pick Nala up from the breeders. They informed me that she should be "good and pregnant" after FIVE rendezvous' and she seemed like she was really enjoying her big backyard and other dogs to play with. Now I don't think I mentioned before that we took her to be bred, but that is partly because I know that in the world today there is a HUGE stigma about breeding dogs and many people are very against, BUT here are my reasons: 
1- I REALLY want to keep a puppy from Nala's blood line someday, and realistically when we actually I get an opportunity for that she will be 7, and I've read everywhere that it is still okay at that point, however they have to have had a littler before so their body knows what to do. 
2- It really mellows your dog out and instals a mothering instinct in them, which would be nice for Nala to have where we're moving back into an apartment in New York. And
3- If there is an opportunity to make a little money while fulfilling the top two reasons, I would consider myself extremely blessed. 
SO, those are our reasons. You can think what you want, but I stand by our decision. To continue on...

Yesterday Maddix had a great time at his "play date" with Porter and Lucy while I went to work, then enjoyed our evening having Colton come spend the night: 
Breakfast pancakes, compliments of Grandpa
Friday we took the morning easy and later had some friends over for lunch. They ended up staying while I went to work and they watched/played with the boys until my dad showed up. 

Thursday was a very great day. Maddix was so excited that I had the WHOLE day off from work to be with him and just NOT go anywhere:) We had a great time. Got some Insanity work out done in the morning, deep cleaned together, then me and my boys had some uninterrupted cuddle time for the length of the entire How To Train My Dragon movie. That was probably my favorite moment of the whole week: 
And that was our week in a nutshell. 
For Travis...
His week went like this: 

Study, Study, Study, Study, Study, sleep, eat a little. 
Study, Study, Study, Study, Study, eat, sleep a little, shower. 
Study, Study, Study, Study, Study,
Study, Study, test, test, test...
briefly talk to us. 
Study, test, test, and then finally reach Sunday where he had decided to eat some time
up by cooking: extensively cooking. That was the beginning of what turned into his 10lb. lasagna. 
 Then he had the elders over to eat. Before they arrived he said to me, "this lasagna will probably last me until I come home." At which point I reminded him he had Elders coming over for dinner, and he quickly said, "you're right. There won't be anything left over:)"

P.S. Some bonus moments from the week:

They melt my heart!

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