Monday, March 10, 2014

Baby Update: 8 Months

Sleep: Well this is something I'm very happy to report:) You go to bed at 6:45pm and fall asleep almost instantly. Occasionally you wake up during the night and cry for a few minutes, but this is only because you share a room with your brother who wakes up multiple times a night with bad dreams and wakes you up while he's yelling for me; however, you go right back to sleep and stay asleep until 7:00-7:30am. The cutest thing though, at night when Maddix wakes you up and you see me in the room, you instantly stand up, wide awake, and you're just too happy to see me :)

Roasting marshmallow's around
the fire

Weight: You seem to be chunking up! Not sure exactly, but we finally found a formula that doesn't make you spit up, or vomit all day long and you're also eating a lot of solids. You basically like to eat all day long so I'm hoping the doctor will be satisfied at your appointment next month.

Likes: Well you pretty much LOVE everything. You love sitting up to the table to eat finger foods with us. You eat your bottles on a blanket placed in your car seat (because you've been so congested you can't breath/eat while laying flat on your back) and you think it's so funny to finish your bottle then sit up and play around in your seat. You think you're so big as you rock it back and forth; you then use your weight like a lever that lowers your seat down so you can crawl/flop out of it:) Cracks us up. You like showers lately. Love your brother. Love when we play any type of game with you, you just eat up attention. You love all the women in Relief Society at church. You still have an obsession with paper and putting ANYTHING in your mouth. This would include pens; you really like chewing on those. I think you actually like nap times, and you love seeing us come in the room to get you. You love your fingers; you've always been a finger baby, never wanted a binki. I didn't mind it so much because you instantly sooth yourself when you go to bed, but now you want them every minute of every day! It's terrible. You're drying them out and they're red. I know we need to figure out how to stop this but I'm also afraid of making the change. You love love love talking/gabbering/chattering at everyone. You get right in people's faces and talk talk talk. You're so funny!

Dislikes: Being left in a room alone. Still don't care too much to be in a car seat, but you don't dislike it like before. You don't like it when you run out of food. Can't stand being left on the floor for too long at once or then you begin to cry and you don't stop. You can be a bit moody. You DON'T like being sick... at all. You're miserable and don't sleep well, so then you're cranky. And you also are trying to wake up too early from your naps which leaves you more and more crabby. While you've been sick, our days have been really hit and miss. It really makes me feel bad to leave you with daddy and sitters each day when I go to work.

Anything Else: Well you zoom across the floor, you're fast at crawling these days:) You can climb up the stairs and are beginning to learn how to go down backwards. You pull yourself up on everything and want to walk so bad:) You love to "help" me with the dishes by unloading the dishwasher. You steal all your brother's toys ( I think you like to tease him), love getting your ribs nibbled, feet tickled,  and cheeks kissed! You have learned how to give kisses and even make the muah noise when you do it. You give hugs, somewhat wave, a few times you've attempted to clap. And I think it's so funny when we look at you and you want to be picked up you'll throw your arms in the air and give a cheesy smile to be picked up ha ha, makes me laugh. When you're sad, you'll also cry and crawl across the room to wherever I'm standing and throw your head back. If I don't pick you up right away, you then climb up my leg and start protesting to be picked up! You make everyone in the room feel special. You smile ALL THE tIME. Except, you've been sick lately an you have been so whiny, congested, angry, and miserable. You won't play by yourself and you won't settle for being held while I'm sitting... I must be moving. Overall, people say things like "you've grown into your eyes!" "You're the smiliest baby!" "You're the best baby in the world." "Where do all these smiles come from?" "And how did you get lucky to get the perfect baby?"
We're just pretty lucky 
to have you and your brother!
You guys were all hugging each other
without any prompting from us. 
I missed the cutest of the photos, but you were being so cute
that cousin Ali just had to hug you, so Maddix had to hug her, so Keili
had to hug him and you guys were just laughing... well,
you were a little squished there on the bottom of that pile:)

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