Friday, March 28, 2014

Up's & Down's

What would life be if everything was predictable, we loved every choice we made, and we never had to take a little time to recoup from being under the weather? Well, it wouldn't be my life, that's for sure!
But when do we stop being sick? And when do I get to stop feeling bad about making everyone else sick??? That's really what I feel bad about... is knowing that between our dinner on St. Patty's Day with the Hatch's where I guess we infected their kids :( and my fun FROZEN party we had where all our kids were together with even more little kids.... well we are up to three families with little babies with Croup now. Who gave it to us??? I swear my kids my never go back to church! (joke, but seriously?!)
Trying to feel a little better
by laying out in the warm Spring weather

Mickey Mouse Club house
during SO MANY of our hours
watching t.v. while sick
Last of the rash

poor little one has head to toe rash,
and now it's all over his face

So, that's really what we've been up too: Severe Hives, Countless hours on the couch for the boys and I with countless hours of studying for Travis (even while sick), some school time in PJ's, three or four trips to the Pediatrician, a date night for Travis and I, a few sleepless nights, got my MRI scheduled (finally) for my foot to see if we can pin point what's going on and..... one other thing happened that was pretty big: 
Yep... I chopped it

There it is.... all gone. 

Ta Da

Shorter than I've ever EVER
had it before! 

With the glasses also looking
older, Travis says. 
So there, and I cut it for me and no one else. Ha ha.

And these next few photos are for me and my record. I don't know if anyone remembers my post about how Travis fAILED to buy me a good outfit for Valentines Day:) And that if I ever lost some of that weight I might... MIGHT post before and after photos... well: 

116lbs... 6more to go!

From Valentines Day to Now

Finally tightening up


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