Things I Want To Remember:
(But I'm already forgetting)
Maddix says the funniest things and I NEVER get time to write them down! Why can't I remember them all! But here are a few:
So Maddix keeps doing things that "make him like daddy."
:Maddix walked out of the bathroom the other night after his shower with his towel wrapped around his waist:) He looked something like McCully Culkon from Home Alone! He had a smile on his face and said, "I'm like dad; I can wrap my towel around me."
:In the car Maddix saw Travis's sunglasses and put them on stating, "Now I look cool, like dad." All the while making his cowboy face."
: Maddix woke with a frog in his throat that made it raspy and he said, "I sound like daddy now, because I'm becoming a man. But no Aaron. Only I sound like Daddy."
: Tonight while singing "Let it Go" like I always do as my closing number Aaron stood, hands gripping the crib while dancing his head to his left shoulder, then the right. Maddix told me "mom, tonight you really sound like Elsa!" The next verse he was cheering "Woohoo, go mom." He wanted to dance as well. At the end he told me I should sing in a competition against other girls:)
: In discussion over a Charlie Brown cartoon where the girls baseball team seemed mad the boys, Maddix came to the conclusion that they were upset that the boys wouldn't talk to them and that they were jealous..." because that's how girls are; they're always jealous."
: Maddix is pretty concerned about who he'll marry ever since Mercedes said she was going to Marry him. He really worries about ending up alone. I explained he'd meet someone someday, fall in love, and move out and get married. He replied, "Nah, I think I'll just get married and we'll move in with you forever..." There could be truth to that statement. He also asked me to bury him at our house ager he dies so he can live with us forever:)
When picking up the boys from Kristy's on Saturday, as we were leaving Maddix spotted a couple of girls sitting/scooting down the road on a longboard. Maddix instinctively called out, "hello girls!" They replied and giggled. He followed with "Ladies, ladies, you can enjoy your ride. Go ahead and scooter on!" Aaron, in seeing the attention Maddix was getting decided to do EXACTLY as Maddix was doing. He stood by him and mimict him in full confidence that his older brother was awesome.
:Aaron does the CUTEST "bub-bye!" All while waving backwards towards himself. So dang cute. Even after I change his bum he picks the diaper up and takes the diaper out to the garbage saying, "bubye!"
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: When I'm cooking/doing dishes Aaron likes to come play in-between my legs; it's so cute. But he doesn't like it when I move.
: I've been sick, and Maddix said, "Yah! You're sick! We get to watch movies all day and you can't leave me or go anywhere!"