Thursday, October 30, 2014

~So much to catch up on~

I am in a rut.
One day I feel good, motivated, productive. The next day...
... well it's just like, what's the point? Teach the boys, clean, fight back frustration, clean, teach, lose control, guilt for being angry, guilt for a lack of patience, guilt for the many loads of laundry that have replaced my husband on his side of the bed, and true guilt for ACTUALLY not caring that the laundry has been there for about a week. Then it's FINALLY bed time; why do they think that each night we don't have to go to bed?? It happens every night?! So why is it such a surprise? So once they're finally asleep the first thing I want to do, as well as the last thing I want to do is go to bed on time. So what do I do? I stay up... sometimes I do things worth doing, and sometimes I just stay up to stay up; either way it's always too late and then the next morning always comes too early and I'm short of temper to take on the day.
Rince and Repeat.
I don't know if it's just because we've been moving so often that I'm used to a big change to constantly revamp my drive... but maybe it's being here so long... maybe it's having Travis gone... or MAYBE it's because I've been sick the past 8 days, but I DON'T care to do anything anymore!!
                                                                       :)        :)
Don't get me wrong, I love my boys, and I LOVE my life but ugh.... there are those days, and then there are those WEEKS. But we have done a few things lately so here they are:

A Sunday Walk

A Day of Catching up with Katiana!
Little girls at the park just doted over Nala

Missed this girl since she hasn't been back to
Utah since '09! 

Taking her home from the park 

Maddix and Nala were too cute. 

Just These Boys 
Day after Day:) 
telling secrets one day and
laughing at each other!
One morning on the way
for our pre-school walk
Cutest when asleep
What's going on here? Here I am Aaron!

I couldn't get up and they sat
mesmerized by Lion King

Sick Days


The boys LOVED the BuzzLightyear movie

~The Faces of Maddix~

"I wanna wear these so I can
look like daddy." 

An afternoon at the park... on the way home from Costco

Well Hello:)

racing the car back and forth
A Baby Shower
Maddix saw me finishing up my baby shower present and asked if he could help. At preschool they've been working with scissor skills so I thought what could it het to let him take the scrap wrapping paper and help. And look what he did?? He wrapped presents with VERY little help form me:) Really, I only put the tape on. 
Look at him go!

I Actually got ready for the day

It turned out so cute

We found all the kids hiding out
under the table in a box
~So I guess there's proof that we have gotten out of the house more than once in the past little bit. The days might not be entirely great, but I'm grateful that there has been a memorable moment to shine through in each day~

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