Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Happy Birthday Post to Maddix the Great

October 07, 2014- Maddix turned Four Years OLD!!!
Maddix would like to say this about his birthday:
"It was good and I liked the cake, and presents... and I liked everything."

-What did you see when you woke up?
"Some balloons and decorations and we carried them upstairs. And we had a balloon fight. It was good."
-What did you think when you saw the decorations on the ceiling?
             "They were yummy? I mean they were good... not yummy."
-What kind of Cake did you have?
             "Ninja turtle cake (giggle), with blue and green."
-What kind of presents did you get?
             "Ninja Turtle presents, clothes, clothes, shoes... and toys!"
-What was your favorite part of your birthday?
            "The balloons... and the presents... and the cake.... and EVERYTHING!"

In case you can't tell, he had a really good birthday.
He woke up early with a nightmare and came in to cuddle with me. Soon after he was asleep I went upstairs to finish birthday preparations and begin the pancakes he'd requested for breakfast; I could barely wait for him to come upstairs and see everything!

This year we went with a Ninja Turtle theme, in fact, we were really lucky. A few months ago a friend on Facebook posted that she needed to get rid of some ninja turtle party decorations. At the time I just took them having no idea Maddix was soon going to be into the ninja turtles.

I don't know how it started but Maddix really has gotten into them and is going to wear one of Trav's old costumes, the blue ninja turtle for Halloween so this birthday I REALLY lucked out:)
Soon he woke up and I LOVED how excited he was!

Once the boys were up we had a BALLOON FIGHT while we waited for my mom to show up for breakfast. There were lots of laughs and I think we worked up an appetite.

And we opened presents! He was pretty excited by the Ninja Turtle tops... which makes sense because the majority of his presents were clothes... I'm a boring mom;)

My mom took Maddix to the park while Aaron napped and I picked up from breakfast. For lunch Maddix requested, "birthday nachos!" <--his words.
We ate and put in How To Train Your Dragon 1 to prepare for our 3:30 showing of the second one with my dad,Wendy, Alex, and Brenna. Maddix and Aaron LOVED the movie. I did as well. It's definitely going to be a must buy. During the movie Maddix was sitting on my lap, eating his popcorn when a preview for Malificent came on. He quickly covered his ears at the noise and sent his popcorn spilling all over the floor! Meanwhile Aaron sat on my dad's lap. He was SO into the movie. He laughed and jumped and squealed, and grabbed the front of the seat and overall we were so impressed  at how well he did. Eventually Maddix switched to his own seat to be bigger, and Aaron came to me and then after the movie we had pizza back at the house, opened another present, and sang Happy Birthday.
The train was just as a big
a hit as the movie

A little tag after the movie

Pizza back at the house
After dinner we quickly headed over to Grandma Lori's where we opened presents sent from Gpa Cam and Gma Joe (We have sooooo many grandparents!). Then we sang Happy birthday and FINALLY (according to Maddix) cut the cake:
I attempted a Ninja Turtle

So pleased at how it turned out

Thanks Gma Joe for the presents!

Facetiming with Travis for the song and candles being
blown out... so unfortunately I only have a screen
shot and not one of the just the candles going out.
But this is good too.
maddix was glad daddy to could be a part of the cake. He even offered him
"a bite of cake."

The next stop was over to my mom's where I put Aaron down to bed, let Maddix have a late night, and took Nala with me for company to my softball game. We lost:( but is was fun to be with the pup for a bit, and when I came back I found halloween dress ups going on.

It was a great birthday according to Maddix, and it carried into the next day when he went to school and he was the special birthday boy. He got a crown and treat and a song. But when it came time to hand out the treats he brought, I guess he had a melt down because there wasn't an extra one for him.... so there were some tears when I showed up, but they soon stopped and we grabbed a quick photo with Miss Maureen:
Happy Birthday Maddix Liam Johnson.

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