Friday, October 19, 2012

A LONG Day for Better or Worse

What a LONG day
Full of fun and not so fun moments
For Instance:
I cleaned the apartment down to the last crumbs in the corners of the rooms
and it took quite awhile. 
Things I don't love: 
Potty training accidents after I just finished jinxing it
Looking in the fridge on missing ONE main ingredient for every meal you're trying to choose from
tubs here that cannot simply choose a temperature while I'm trying to hose off my pee covered Maddix
Trying to make lunch on my freshly mopped floor only to shatter a glass jar of mustard and then wonder how to get out of the kitchen with bare feet
Then trying to clean up the glass only to have the shards stick to the floor because it's wet. 
Maddix's tantrums in public
Potty training accidents where he comes running in saying he has to go potty so I whip his underwear off, get him on the toilet, and we think we have success until I'm laying him on the floor putting his clothes on, and a smell fills my nose, and my leg is warm. So I looked down to find that in my hurry to pull his clothes off I launched a big ball of POOP out of his shorts and now onto my leg... not so much success as we'd thought.

Things that I LOVE:
I love that I already had a bucket of mom water ready to go when our first accident occurred. 
Hard wood floors
That food is cheap here
How absolutely, insanely, and comically funny Maddix is
That my family is safe, happy, and healthy
That Travis studied his BUTT off all week and was able to celebrate it with a near perfect score on his tests and a fun night out with pizza, arcade games, and Maddix dancing out on the Polish dance floor! As well as getting to watch his classmates just DOTE over him; Maddix is their unofficial mascot:) 
Silly moments where I'm just content to watch Maddix and Travis play forever 
Being in shape to keep up with Maddix
And Lastly: That we received an email saying that we get to welcome into the world my newest niece: Allie Summer Hornberger! So happy for them and for not having a name picked FOREVER, I think they picked a beautiful one! Congratulations you guys. I can't wait to meet her next year. Send lots of pictures!!

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