Wednesday, October 17, 2012

~The Procrastination Post~

This is the post I've been putting off.

There has been too much, and there is SO much I could talk about. I'll just let the pictures do most the work and just explain a little:

First, there was the arrival. Our plane from Salt Lake to France is typically 10 1/2 to 11 hrs, with a speedy departure to get in the air on time... this time we loaded the plane and then sat for 1 1/2 hrs while they fixed two of the bathrooms that were broken; then we got in the air. To make up for it our pilot requested extra fuel so he could really punch it. He got us there only 10mins late. 
At which point we ran (literally) across the France airport just PRAYING we would make our next flight; we did, barely. Only due to the blessing of an airline worker to skipped us to the front of a check in line, saving us the hour wait. He saved us. 
Then we sat on the plane for another 3 hrs before landing in Warsaw (worst landing ever ha ha) and discovering our next task: all of our luggage had been left in France. See, we had made our flight in France during the last boarding calls and they just figured they wouldn't even try to put our bags on the plane. 

So then this picture was taken after our taxi driver had waited an hour for him (bless him) and we made our drive to Lublin (a ride which normally takes 2 1/2 hrs, but this day took 3 1/2 hrs and felt like 6:)
Our bags came the next evening, and once again they were left downstairs for us to figure out how to carry up (ah Poland's lack of customer service:) So this is Maddix reuniting with his bag which was full of his toys!

So for now we've been enjoying everyday (something I thought would be much harder than it's been with the Mecham's absence). We've had many Many trips to the park where we always meet someone interesting and practice sharing (this is when a language barrier comes in handy. The kid has no idea Maddix is saying "Hey that's mine! Give it back!")

We've enjoyed funny face sessions (something that Maddix requests every lunch these days. Here's just a few)
 Funny, no? He's really come into his own. His speach just blew everyone away when we came back, and he's also entered into a new stage: 
Potty Training
 He does very well. Rarely has accidents. Makes it through his naps (most the time) without peeing. We go through one diaper a day and that's at night when he sleeps, or we go out in public. Even when we go into town and then come home it's dry. It's a work in process, but I think it's on its way. And the potty training was a direct result from this event: 

 Our little man turned 2. Back in the summer, you may remember, we had a party for him where he received ample gifts and was spoiled to the hilt... so this is his treasure troth we opened on his birthday (including a few things we got). After breakfast and presents went for a walk to the castle and played at the park there:
Some kids shared their toy while they all played

 Then as we continued on our walk, we discovered something:
Some Secret Gardens

 Land in Europe is so expensive that it is common for everyone to purchase a little plot of land and dress it up as their own private garden. This results in tons of private garden communities all over the city (that we were lucky enough to sneak in through an open gate to get to:) 

Afterward we were fortunate enough to have the Elders join us for dinner, birthday dessert, and late night conference (early morning for all of you). Finally to end the birthday night Maddix got to lay in bed and talk to each of his Grandparents, which he loved

 If he wasn't spoiled enough, Travis' class all chipped in and bought Maddix a Lightening McQueen car, as well as all signed a card for him. And the Elders brought him a card along with two new R.C. cars (the Orange one from Elder Hancock has been with him since the beginning of his mission and since he's leaving us shortly, he passed it on to Maddix). We also purchased Maddix a new coat (a needed purchase) and gave it to him for his birthday. 
So then we've just been doing a lot of random stuff too; all of which I've thoroughly enjoyed. I love that Maddix has reached a new level in understanding so now he's more of a buddy and less of a task

Family Movie Night: Harry Potter 1
With Snacks of Course
Goofing around in the tub

Doing anything in the window so we can watch the trucks across the street. He loved the construction!

Since his birthday and the receiving of his new Cars, Cars 2 has become his favorite movie!
Cars 2 Fort

What it looks like from the inside of the fort
Hide 'n' seek

Play dough is quickly becoming a favorite for him

Doing what ever daddy does

A little one on one with dad

Working out with Mommy; his and hers workout mats
Getting in the mood for Halloween 
Enjoying the last of the fresh summer vegetables
This was an experimental salad with a Honey/Red wine vinaigrette dressing I made that turned out deliciously! 
 The last of the events that have been going on happened last week when Maddix was watching the trucks across the street. His stool folded underneath him, sending him to our hard tile floor. I hugged him as he cried and when he pulled away there was blood everywhere. He had split his lip, as well as the inside of this cheek. And later I found other wounds on his back and belly. Poor guy couldn't drink from a cup for days with out it hurting, but we're so grateful it wasn't worse (you can't tell but his lip was bruised and swollen).

 To wrap it up, now that Maddix is two I'm just going to record a few of the funny things about him: 

  • He quotes this line from Hercules. He says, "Not me, you!" As that's what Haiti's says towards the end, then he expects you to blow on his head and finishes with a, "wow's my hair out?!"
  • He asks me to Sing 'the McQueen' song and then always chimes in at the same part. 
  • He'll be playing with his cars and then I'll hear, "McQueen blew a tire, McQueen blew a tire... Go Go Go!" 
  • He gets scared when baby Hercules is being kidnapped, and when the Divers take Nemo off the reef.
  • He has a truck book he has us read and after only a few days he had almost all the trucks memorized and now reads the book to us. 
  • He still (knock on wood) takes two our naps like clock work. Typically we eat lunch, he takes about 40mins-1 hour to fall asleep, then wakes up at 3:00pm. 
  • He LOVES the park and going down the slide head first. 
  • He's really into jumping and is getting pretty good at how big he's jumping. 
  • He's obsessed with watching Kip Moore's 'Somethin' bout a truck," and Tim McGraw's 'Truck Yeah' music videos and tells Travis on a daily basis that we will one day own a truck or a jeep
  • Every night before we leave his room so he can go to bed Maddix says, " I need Kiss the daddy... I need hug the daddy..." he repeats it with 'the mommy' and then says "kiss the Nala," at which point we all blow Nala a group kiss. And last week Maddix began adding a new person to blow kisses too: the baby (NO WE'RE NOT PREGNANT). Sow now after we blow Nala a kiss we then have to blow the baby a kiss. And today he was separating his markers into piles, "these daddy's, these mommy's, these baby's." So I think he's ready, ha ha. 
  • He makes the funniest faces and asked for the camera so he can see them as well. 
  • He here's a child on the computer talk and instantly gets excited that it might be Keili. 
  • He is around 32lbs
  • In the midst of potty training and does an EXCELLENT job; especially for a boy
  • Any time my hair brushes Maddix's face he becomes tender and soft while running his fingers through my hair and says, "I'll miss you mommy." He then pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek. EVERY TIME! 
  • He's polite, but LOVES to gang up on my with his father. 
  • He's so bright, pretty well mannered for a two year old, can drive me crazy, can be quite destructive, is ALL BOY, loves his mommy, idolizes his daddy, misses nursery quite a bit, and is just become my fun little buddy who keeps me company all our time we're away from all our friends and family! 
  • He loves to end the night with a Mickey Mouse cartoon, or two, or THREE 

Well I'm sure no one is reading this at this point... Heck I stopped for a good two hours before I came back to finish this; you can see why I've been putting off this post:) Well that pretty much sums it up for us. I SWEAR the posts to follow won't be nearly this long or have so many photos!
Thanks for reading. 

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