Thursday, October 25, 2012

BrInG On ThE HoLiDaYs!

 It's official. There is a nip in there air (more like a BITE if you're going off of today) and I think it's here to stay.

The leaves are such glorious colors (this photo isn't the prettiest of the trees around, but it paints a picture). And it's even so cold outside that we're having to wear these babies!
This is the coat we bought him for his birthday. We call it his McQueen coat to try and help him like it, but most the time... this is his reaction when he has to wear it:)
It's funny when he lays down like this to throw a fit because he can't get back up. It's a scene right from the Christmas Story. But really we are just loving it here (although sometimes I may vent too much, sorry I'm working on expressing more positivity).  It's such a different experience this time around. It just feels familiar, less foreign, old hat, etc. It's also nice because Travis has had a lot more free time than last semester, although that just changed as of yesterday:) It's okay though, because this little goon and I are up to mischief! Well he is, I'm just trying to keep up
Today he wanted to practice is scary faces, that was just one of the many photos he insisted on taking. Each time he would then say, " Let me see it." The other day he didn't even want to go outside (he hasn't been wanting to go out as much lately). He just wanted to play with his "car mountain." He had a real car mountain at home, but out here, anything with a blanket thrown over it, that has bumps and is steep, is a car mountain to him!
 And best of all, yesterday we had our Branch Halloween party. It was held right after the English lesson class and everyone (and there a TON of people compared to normal) who attended that class stayed for the party. It turned out wonderfully. Between Cody's preparation and Jasmine's cooking it was perfect. We enjoyed tasty, yet disgusting looking food, fun games, spooky music in the background, and the best part, PUMPKIN CARVING! I didn't carve one yet because I was helping with food and the games but Travis made an awesome one! I forgot my camera but I stole some pictures from facebook, so here are a few from the party and hopefully I'll find more later:

And then thanks to the party last night we have been extremely in the mood for the holidays so today Maddix and I did an art project and then took Travis' pumpkin and decorated our entertainment center:)
 Happy Holidays (not the last time I will end a post with that farewell over the next few months:)

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