Monday, April 22, 2013

A little of this+ A little of that= One busy weekend!

Well it has been an extremely busy weekend; just like I used to have all the time, but not here in Poland, so it seemed extra busy. 
Friday: I had to meet Arek at the clinic at 6:50am so we could be the first ones there to do some blood work and begin my Glucose Test. I'm sure many of you know about and/or have taken this test; however here in Poland it's done a little differently. You have your levels tested when you first get there, drink the drink of disgustingness, then (if you don't throw up) you take a number and sit for two hours so they can process your test, and you then get your levels checked again. Since I've been depending on Arek to translate every time we go this caused a bit of a problem since he would need to leave to work; hence we wanted to be there first to get it done!
Ignore the mess, but isn't that a beauty? 
However to our surprise, I was blessed to receive a nurse I had never seen before (she's only been there a month) who spoke beautiful English and had been working in England; the Lord never fails to leave me unattended or alone. So Arek comfortably left me in her bi-lingual hands and went to work. I had my first levels checked in my left arm (which has built up a tolerance since I get my levels checked so often) then my finger was pricked, and then my right arm was where they took the updated level tests... She did quite a number on it, eh?!

So I was at the clinic from 7am-10am, ran home to pick up my boys and go to the grocery store. As we finished and were waiting for a taxi, I received a call that we were having a practice for a song I was performing in with a few of Travis's classmates for his school's Culture Night. So, I left Travis on his own to get Maddix and all the bags of groceries up to our apt by himself, and I ran over to the girl's apartment. I left the practice a few hours later feeling more confident about our song and ran home to get cleaned up for a concert I was attending that night with Anna and Arek (they only had one extra ticket).
Waiting for the concert to start
 The group was a french group from Madagascar who spoke to the audience in french (so everyone knew what it felt like to be me and not understand what's being said:). It was quite the experience I think.
The band

Then Saturday came so early and it was time to head over the school for our dress rehearsal.

The Culture Night was a big success I think. There are over 1,000 students from 90 different countries attending this school so the acts ranged anywhere from a Traditional Filipino Dance, to Japanese sword fighting; and from Indian bollywood/Bangra numbers to an American song.... sang by me, one of Travis's classmates, and three other girls in the program that I was fortunate enough to meet.
We sang the Island version  (with a few variations) of
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Kossi's number from all parts of Africa
This was the ending Bangra performance.
They had their outfits made by family in India
and shipped to Poland just for the performance
so they were as authentic as it comes!
After the performances there was food that had been catered in; and overall the whole evening was such great fun, and a wonderful experience I will never forget. It was so enjoyable to see all the different cultures in their traditional robes, and outfits all coming together to celebrate everyone's heritage. Travis was also excited because on his class website they did a feature on our musical number, as well as several students had posted the video all through their pages; it makes me so happy that he was so proud (all I could focus on was I messed up on one spot... but I think every act messed up that night)!

So then Sunday came and the weather was gorgeous for our Branch Conference. We really enjoyed seeing all our friends from Warsaw that were in town for the conference, and we were quite surprised when they released our Branch President and called the son of the Gladun family who just got home from his mission as the new Branch President. Good luck to ya'! 
P.s. here's a random beauty of Maddix. He told me to find him and when I came in my room I could NOT find him until he rolled out and popped out from underneath the mattresses on our bed:) Clever Son, clever! 

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