Tuesday, April 23, 2013

~Our Family Walk~

As the sun rose early, so did my boys.... all three of them actually. With so much sunshine and extra time we decided to take a family walk into town to run some errands and pick up a morning pastry. While Travis paid the internet bill Maddix and I waited for him at the park; it was far more enjoyable, I think:)
Loving some sandbox time
"Hello down there!"
He almost got me. He just
giggled the entire time!

Taking life one step at a time

SUCH a cutie

Once Travis showed up from the post office we continued through the park and on to the Pedestrian Zone of our Old Town:)
I couldn't resist of shot of these old
men chatting in the park, just
enjoying the morning

Our City Center park

Pedestrian Zone

Our tower to the other side of Old Town
On our way we found a quaint little bakery and went in to purchase of few pastries.

   We walked a little more then decided to settle near the castle grounds to eat our goodies before the rest of our walk home.
Such a view
Decided to stroll through
the markets that are really
coming alive in the Spring

                When we got home we straightened up the house a bit while we sent Travis off to school, ate lunch, napped, and enjoyed the late afternoon together before I went to the gym with Anna. When I came home I found my boys cuddled together on the couch watching Dumbo. When I walked through the door Maddix exclaimed, "Mommy!" and came running towards me with wide open arms and gave me a giant hug, then he said, "I love you so much." Oh man I like when he is sweet and cute SO much more than the tantrum times... go figure.

1 comment:

  1. He is seriously THE cutest! Such a doll! Oh, I was going to tell you also that I had just looked at my blog stats the night before you chatted me and reminded me you were in Poland and had seen that someone from Poland had been following me and I told Nick that it was strange. HAHA! AS soon as you told me I Laughed! I totally knew you guys were there but at the time I had completely spaced it! Love staying caught up with you guys!
