Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pregnancy Post: 26 Weeks

Thanks to Travis being on his Spring Break, today I will be pregnancy blogging with a quick blip on yesterday and today thus far.
Weekly Pregnancy Questions

How far along?  26 weeks today
How big is baby? 2lbs and the size of a pot roast:) 
Confident that little baby will be- Aaron Falco Johnson
Maternity clothes? 
YES! In fact in the picture is my new maternity outfit and I LOVE wearing pants that fit everyday! Thank you Travis. Weights gain?  No idea since I have no scale. I will find out at the next appointment
 Feeling the baby move?   Oh yes. Especially if I lay on my side or at night time  
Food cravings:  I just have the munchies. Nothing specific. Just constantly want to be snacking
Happy or moody? 
I feel like I've been much happier lately, and since starting this new diet I feel much better with a lot more energy
I rotate which side I'm sleeping on several times a night and always wake up on my back, which I know I'm not supposed to do at this point in the pregnancy, but man I'm not a side sleeper.
Best moment(s) of the week?
When I hopped out of bed quickly in the middle of the night and the baby was completely on one side of my belly, like a log, and then I just watched him squirm and shift his way into his normal position as if I'd just woke him up.
Anything making you queasy?   Banana chips. They were terrible during my first trimester and I ran across them recently in my granola and realized they're still terrible. Also my disdain for eggs is at a high. 56 eggs a week is enough to make anyone not like them, right?   
How is the bump?  Like a mountain, but truth be told I love it.  
Missing anything?   Feeling normal.  Being pregnant in Poland is like being a Unicorn, you're rare and everyone stares... especially if you work out! Went to the grocery store after a work out the other day and I could have flagged less attention had I walked in naked! Pregnant women don't work out here. They don't do anything:)  
Belly button?  Hanging 'in' there!
Looking forward to? Third trimester so I can feel justified at how tired I still am, how often I'm using the restroom, etc. Second trimester is the golden time, and i definitely feel 100x's better than before, but sometimes I feel like I shouldn't have any complaints because this is the best time of the pregnancy, you know? Does that make me sound like I just want to be justified in my whining?... :)
Dad? Dotes over me, never lets me carry the bags, and tries to be patient with the entire pregnancy experience. 

Now to yesterday and today.
Yesterday snowed again, which led us to be afraid of staying inside all day. After sleeping in and taking the early afternoon VERY laid back, we received a call from the Elders whom were on their Pday with absolutely NOTHING to do. I don't know if you know this about Europe, but if there is a holiday they take a few days off before, and then a few days after to recover as well. So Monday was more dead outside than even Easter itself. So we had the Elders come over for a light lunch and boardgames, and were surprised when we received a call from Kossi  who had prepared a dish of couscous and ended up coming over as well for lunch and some games. Then we said goodbye to the Elders and Travis, Maddix, Kossi, and I went to the pool (which thankfully was open) with Anna, Arek, and James. We stayed for quite awhile and had such a great time. When we came home it was 8:30pm so we fixed some quesodilla's and put the boy to sleep.

When we woke up today we knew we needed to decide whether or not we were going to stay in Lublin or travel to Krakow for a couple of days, and when we just couldn't handle the idea of sitting on a train for 5hrs to get there, we opted to stay. Not to mention, I don't know if we stayed up too late, or if we swam extra long, but we are all zombies today. So today we've cuddled in bed, watched morning cartoons, gave Maddix a big boy hair cut, and then went and walked around Lublin for 3 hrs in search for Black Beans we will be using for our Cafe Rio Salads this Sunday. We looked at a couple of stores before making our way to the Olymp Mall where we found several cans of beans.. which led us to come home and put the boy down for a nap and make 7-layer beandip (we ended up with 5 layers, which I think was good for being in Poland:) I snoozed for a little bit, and now Maddix just woke up so we're going to go play Legos as a family. 
Morning Duck Tales double as a distraction

The before process
Our results

So hansom with his new big boy haircut.
I almost cried while I swept up the giant pile
of curly baby locks.
Blame it on Pregnancy Hormones

Then there's this beauty just as he was waking up. I tried to get a pic
while he was still asleep because his head was hanging clear off the bed,
but last second he rolled over and opened those little green eyes; it's a keeper.

1 comment:

  1. I adore all of those photos! LOVE your pregnancy clothes, and you're so adorable! The pictures of Maddix getting his haircut are priceless. Miss you guys!!
