Thursday, April 18, 2013

~When Daddy's In charge, and such~

When daddy's in charge mommy walks in to find:
Maddix watching a movie
in the Nude (just after his bath)

He takes us out for dinner when the fridge is empty

Exercises the boy with a long walk

Helps us create Memories

Then last night while I was teaching Institute Travis took Maddix to dinner with his classmates and when we all got home I was in such a hurry to run to the next place I needed to be I didn't see the state in which Travis put Maddix to bed; however, when he woke up this morning I could see he was still in his shirt from dinner, and COVERED in his food from their meal together.
This would be dried Ketchup all behind is ear, and
on his shirt. 

Then he had sticky food under his chin and the fur from
his stuffed animals was stuck to it. 
This morning Maddix and I decided to quickly catch a bus into the middle of town and went to the park. Maddix did extremely well while we were there: he shared all his toys, took turns on the slide, chased some boys around, etc.

Trying to sleep it off
Then we walked home, ate lunch, and as I thought he was going down for a nap I heard a LOUD thud from his room followed by an immense cry of pain. I ran in to find him not breathing from shock and the couch he'd been leaning unbuckled and fell flat into a futon, causing him to smack his head into the window sill from what I can tell from the giant mark across his neck; I don't know how it all went down but when he opened his mouth to cry blood just poured out. Once we both calmed down,  and got all cleaned up I surveyed the damage. He bit through his top lip, and took a big chunk into his tongue; they both keep bleeding on and off, but neither need stitches. He has a giant bruise across his neck, his finger began swelling like a balloon so we iced it, and his hands, arms, and cheek are covered in little blood bruises :( It could have been MUCH worse, but this is one of the worst accidents he's ever had and I feel so bad. I wasn't sure if he should sleep right away so I snuggled him into my bed and turned on 101 Dalmations while I rotated ice packs. Travis came home and inspected him as well and assured me he didn't have a concussion so when he dozed off we just let him stay asleep.

I hoped he would sleep it off but just a few minutes ago he started to wake up and his mouth was bleeding again. He just kept crying and rubbing his mouth and then crying more from the pain :( Finally Travis and I moved him to the couch and opened the balcony window to cool the room down (he was extremely sweaty). We got him hydrated, set up with some pillows and stuffed animals, and now he's happily watching Aladdin... I think the rest of the evening will be a down evening. And Travis just left back to school.

On a random note, here is a quick update photo since I didn't get one done in time for the pregnancy blog, as well as a photo of Maddix from the other morning. He was BEGGING me to put him in his Woody Pj's; when I finally did he wore them all morning and walked around repeating, "Howdy, Howdy, Howdy, my names Woody.... hey! Give me my hat back!" (line from the 1st moive). It was too cute to pass up.

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