Thursday, March 7, 2013

~Close to Perfect~

I know I'm going to leave out the cutest details, or skip over some point that really explains why today was so great because it's late and my brain is shutting down, but while I can somewhat think, I have to get this day recorded; it was seriously as close to perfect as they come. 
Today was the first day this month that the sun didn't shine, it was rainy all day, but this meant Maddix slept in:) When he and Travis came to wake me up they both brought a teddy bear and woke me up with teddy kisses. I got to cuddle with Maddix during scripture reading and he propped his stuffed animals up so they could hear the scriptures as well. 
All morning we built forts, played cars, looked at pictures of past trips to Disney Land and the beach, and ran around to some music. While we were playing Maddix stopped, told me he needed to use the bathroom, and ran in. I let him hold the little hot wheels car that was the current prize for pooping on the toilet and sure enough he did it:) He was so proud of himself and I was overjoyed with his progress. For nap time he chose to wear his big boy underwear, instead of a diaper because he's been doing so well. He also so politely asked if he could sleep with my blanket... of course I said yes because he was so cute about it, but deep down I was afraid he would have an accident on it:) 
Actually was yesterday's nap, but he's just too cute
to pass up a photo-op
 When it was time for him to wake up, you should have seen the pure joy and sincere pride on his face when I told him he'd made it all nap in the underwear without an accident! So he rushed to the bathroom. When I asked if he was done he said no, which was out of character, and then he pooped a little more before getting off! 
We spent our time after that driving cars around, rough housing together, and just laughing at each other. I had to clean up the house since we had our friend, Anna coming to pick us up so I asked Maddix if he wanted to watch a movie. He did, but only if he could sit on my lap and cuddle with me! ~ Melt my heart~ I couldn't say no, so I eagerly scooped him up and we cuddled for awhile before I cleaned. Then tonight I made his DAY when I told him we'd be going swimming at the pool with Anna because he'd been such a good boy. Oh he was SO HAPPY, and really didn't want to leave when we were done. But besides a minor fit he left pretty willingly. When we came home Travis had a wonderful dinner waiting for us, and Maddix ate all of it including the veggies with no complaints; all the while flashing cute little smiles at me. I showered him off, then read him a few books before he went right to sleep:) 
I almost couldn't put him to bed because today was just too good. Too wonderful. One I always want to remember. It would have been perfect had we had a little more time with Travis:) But as it's testing time, we take what we can get!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that sounded like such a wonderful day!! Isn't it funny how even at such a young age, we can have really good on-days with them and then sometimes have off-days as well? It's things like this that make mothering SO worth it. And yay for potty-training success!! It kind of sounds like he's made a breakthrough if you ask me. Let's hope so!
