Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pregnancy Post #2

First off I want to apologize for the photo. When I realized that today was Tuesday and time for my two week post, I instantly grabbed the camera and found no recent photos of the belly. 
So I just snapped one, knowing that I wouldn't end much more ready than this the rest of the day. So sorry it's in the work out clothes, but it does give you the best idea of just what size I'm at!

Weekly Pregnancy Questions

How far along? 22 weeks, last week of the fifth month!
How big is baby? He hits the charts at 1lb this week, 8 inches long, and is no longer a fruit, but the size of a small doll.
We actually have our two options that we will choose from:
1. Aaron Falco Johnson (I LOVE and adore the name Aaron, and Travis is very attached to Falco because it's very German and he's always loved it)
2. Blake Arek Johnson (Blake would be more for Travis's taste and I think it would be great to pick a Polish name since I've been pregnant here, hence the middle name) 
 Maternity clothes?  Same answer as before, rubber bands on the pants and extra long shirts   
Weights gain?  I weighed in gaining 10lbs with my shoes on, so 2lbs a month; not bad I thought, but my doctor was mad it wasn't more, "You're small woman, like small bwurd (bird)."
 Feeling the baby move?  Oh yes, he's lower than Maddix ever was so I have to use the restroom much more.
Food cravings: 
Cafe Rio, Olive Garden, Cheese-its:) Just because I can't have them, I think.
Happy or moody? 
Much more happy, especially since the sun is out. Still irritable on days:) 
A little better since Maddix stopped waking up, but I wake up really sore each day 
Best moment(s) of the week?
When Maddix decided that the baby loves him, instead of the opposite! He has been doing this thing where he tells the baby "hi" and then repeats from the baby's perspective "Go away Maddix." Then he proceeds with a "poor Maddix." This week it's changed to, "Hi baby..." "...Hi Maddix, I love you..." ".. I love you baby, oh, he loves me!"
Anything making you queasy? Eggs!!! Too bad I am now on an 8 hard boiled egg a day diet! Thanks to my "dangerously low" albumin (protein) levels, I now eat those because it's best/quickest form to bring the levels up. In two weeks I'll be retested to monitor any change. How is the bump? Getting bigger, still at the cute stage I think 
Missing anything? Really miss being in shape, sleeping well, and not having my back hurt so bad all day long! 
Belly button?
While still in, I can see it's tightening.
Looking forward to? Deciding on a name! Having it feel more real.
Dad?  Currently reading the What to expect when expecting book for the 22 week details and laughing at some of the information written down. 

So I know this is a pregnancy post, but I also have to mention that yesterday was our Branch FHE night and Travis was in charge of the lesson/game and I was in charge of the treats. I just want to write what a WONDERFUL helper Maddix was. I would measure out the ingredients and then he would dump them in. Not only did he stay focused the whole time, but he actually mashed all the bananas by himself! I kid you not, he did so well and the banana bread/cake turned out so tasty! Too bad it took extra long to cook so Trav and Maddix ran to the church while I followed in a taxi to give more time and then we found no one had showed up. So instead we and the Elders cleaned the chapel, ate some treats, and then enjoyed our first nice warm weather walk home of the season:)
  - Then End- 


  1. I love the layout of your pregnancy posts! I just might have to steal it. So sorry your doctor isn't happy with the way things are going. I'd hate to be forced to eat those eggs! I am surprised he's not liking your weight gain. I'm just as far along as you and have only lost weight, so I'm glad my doctor isn't getting after me for that!

  2. Too cute! Congrats Lacey, I didn't even realize you were expecting another and here you are 22 weeks in! Coming from someone that has never had kids it's really interesting to read your pregnancy posts and how they progress and change. It's very insightful and informative and I am enjoying reading them.
