Friday, March 22, 2013

~FaMiLy gLuTtOnY~

There once was a boy who loved his dad
Rough housing with his pop sure made him glad.
What a monkey
With Daddy studying most the day, Maddix tried hard not to get in the way.
But his overwhelming love always shines through, just remember dad, Maddix will "always love you."
But for those times when daddy can't play, Maddix finds mommy will be okay
Ah Ha, Pirates!
Mommy builds forts and plays pirates real well.
"I'll smote you mommy pirate!"
I was winning... if you can't tell! As much as mom tries and as hard as she plays... I find that I WIN most of the days:)

So we went to Warsaw in a blizzard as I previously wrote, and the weather forecast was saying to expect 40 degrees and sunny weather for the week we got home (this week); however having seen this forecast appear and then downgrade in the previous few weeks, I was less than hopeful. And so the snow keeps coming and the forecast for NEXT week has even dropped again, added snow, and tomorrow's high is going to be 17degrees :S *Sigh*
This week has been pretty good though, and it's gone by quickly despite the weather. Today I'd planned to go swimming, but when I looked out and saw all the snow I retracted my plans. Maddix ended up sleeping in, we took a lazy morning, just played, and then Maddix refused to nap; the trade-off for him sleeping in! As we got him out of bed I checked facebook quickly and noticed a picture someone had added of a large icecream shake... I instantly had to have one! After lightheartedly pitching the idea to Travis, I was shocked when he indulged my craving and we bundled up in several layers of clothing and walked 1 1/2 miles to a little German "Lidle" store through the snow to buy ice cream:) I have good boys. Of course when we got there Travis and I were excited about the new selection of non-polish snacks and walked out of the store with much more than ice cream:
Strawberry gummies, peachi-o's, berliners, a mixed back of gummies, Ice cream and oreos,
and then a full assortment of German food for dinner with the Elders on Sunday
After our walk back through the heavier falling snow we ate our donuts, prepared dinner which was German Pancakes, put on a Friday family Movie (Enchanted), and then prepared Oreo Shakes:) Maddix even helped:
Crushing up the Oreos
Our gluttony:)

So today we indulged. After a long week of no sugar, lots of working out, and a properly planned out diet for this baby, I had a day of gluttony and now I feel......... :) ....... well guillty, yes. And on top of that I think I've given the baby a sugar rush because I think he is doing flips in my stomach, and I'm feeling him more than ever! Now for tomorrow, Maddix and I are going to be doing a work out session together, that's for sure ;)

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is "Awww!" Lace those oreo shakes make me want to get one RIGHT NOW. Oh my goodness. Also, our babies are not babies anymore! I can't believe how old Maddix is looking. He's turning into a little kid. So crazy! I think that's what the year between two and three does for little ones.

    By the way, the second "pirates" picture Maddix looks just like Brenna.
