Monday, November 4, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

In Relief Society yesterday we had a lesson on Gratitude. We were each given a letter from the word, Gratitude, and asked to name several things we're grateful for that started with that letter. We also had a lady come and share some of her extremely hard trials and how they found gratitude through them; I will say this, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. It really moved me to tears, hearing of the trials they went through with their sick son and how grateful they were for every minute they had with him, and that they knew the day he wasn't going to make it so they held him every moment they could until he past away in his mother's arms... seriously I was sobbing as I clutched my very healthy and extremely happy little Aaron, and the point was definitely made: I need to show my gratitude for all that I have.  We also read a scripture where Jesus took what they had and gave thanks for it before feeding it to the multitude... he gave thanks. There are just so many things I am grateful for in my life, and the top of the list is my older brother Jesus, and that he atoned for my sins so that I would have a shot at living in Heaven once more, along with my family. And in no other specific order, nor is it complete, here is a list of many things I am so grateful for:
Freshly vacuumed carpet
The fall colors
The smell of concrete when its rained
Aaron's smile when I say, "hi"
Modern conveniences
Maddix's laugh
New baby smell
The Gospel
The faith my sister Tayla has
Going for long walks
Cuddling with my boys
My dogs companionship, especially the times I've been sick
Travis's "Everything will be fine" Attitude
The smell of laundry detergent
Living in the United States
Thunder Storms
Completed To Do Lists
Playing the piano to relieve stress
My Job
The times I can be a Stay-at-home Mom
The Holy Ghost
Being married to my best friend
Reading Novels
Reading to Maddix
Running (to relieve stress)
Family traditions
Holiday decorations
Good friends
Family time
Blessing go going abroad for school
Freedom of religion
Being a mom
Seriously I am so grateful for my entire life. I have a healthy body, the Lord always provides for us, our family and friends always help us, and we have the ability and freedoms to provide for ourselves with the knowledge that if we fall into rough times there is always something or someone there to catch us; not carrying around that sort of stress everyday allows to enjoy the here and now and create memories before time is all gone... I would say that is one of the biggest things I am grateful for!
Grateful I could get my hair

Grateful Maddix is my

Grateful for family

Grateful for mornings
when THIS is what I wake
up to

Grateful for this face

Grateful for cuddle time

Grateful for all the babysitting
help I get from family

Grateful that not every moment is

Grateful that some mornings are perfect

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