Thursday, June 13, 2013

A BELATED Pregnancy Post 36w 5d

34w. 2d.

36w. 5d.
First off I want to start by saying can you see how much he has dropped? I tried wearing the same shirt so it would be easier to see but I think it made it harder; nonetheless, this guy is on his way down!

Weekly Pregnancy Questions

How far along?  36w 5d
How big is baby?  At this point baby could be avg 6bls and around 17 to 19in. but it's all individual at this point.
Still Aaron Falco Johnson
Maternity clothes? 
Yes, except I misplaced my maternity shorts so all my normal shorts are being shoved on and held together with a blue ribbon (as you can see in the above photo); not comfy at all.
Weights gain? 
A steady 22lbs; I hadn't even gained an ounce from last week to this week's apt.
 Feeling the baby move? It never ends and it's very uncomfortable now. I can seriously watch my belly button pop in and out when the baby pushes his little bum up against it:) It really feels like he is trying to break out through my belly button! 
Food cravings: 
When there is watermellon in front of me, I can't stop. I'm back into the nausea stage so if I eat too much it makes me sick.
Happy or moody? 
Mostly happy I think; however I find that if I'm not staying busy every minute my mind gets to be a depressive or worrisome place. 
Not well... not really at all. That being said, last night was the first night in ages I only got up one time and slept like a rock the rest of the night, so that was nice.
Best moment(s) of the week?
I'll name a few since it's been awhile: 

  • My doctor praising me for how well I've done this pregnancy and saying I was dialated to a 2 (for me I didn't dialate at all before I had Maddix, so it was just nice to hear)
  • Went to the pool and Aaron felt like he was froggy kicking in my stomach. It hurt but is was different from any movement I've felt from him before so it was neat to experience. 
  • Maddix tickling little brother and saying "he likes me to tickle him!" 
  • Every time Travis compliments me on how well I've done this pregnancy, or tells me just how pretty I am (With Maddix I never had the glow and I struggled with acne and swelling, so It just makes me feel happy when I hear this). 
  • Seeing my weight on the scale hadn't moved even an ounce, then hearing my levels were ever ideal.  

Anything making you queasy? If I eat too big of a meal. Granola bars are giving me heart burn 
How is the bump? 
He has dropped! Other people have even pointed it out so I know it's significant enough to note. But really I feel him MUCH lower now.
Missing anything? Exercise...All forms of it! Sleeping on my back. Feeling comfy. Bending. Keeping up with Maddix. Having strength for anything:) Feeling normal.
Belly button? 
It sits even until Aaron pushes against it and you can watch it pop in and out over and over:)
Looking forward to? Getting the boy out of me so I can breath, not pee so much, sleep on my back, feel lighter! Seeing Maddix's reaction. And as crazy as it sounds,  I'm actually quite excited for the deliver, and going to the hospital; it's a moment that's been built up to for months so I am happy it's almost here. AND this Saturday when I turn 37weeks that is considered full term so anytime after that really REALLY just fine.
Dad?  Travis told me the most ideal time for him for me to birth the baby would be June 27th :) He's constantly telling me how proud of me he is for how much I'm still pushing like mowing the lawns, going to work, chasing the boy, and staying positive. He also tells me how pretty he thinks I am, and really he makes me feel so good. The only thing I wish I could get him to do is rub my feet and legs, or tickle my back ;) But I guess we can't have everything!

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