Friday, June 28, 2013

(Probably my last) Pregnancy Post: 39Weeks

Alright, I am excited to say that I made a huge, monumental, riveting, and life altering discovery this past week.......... okay so maybe it's just a little discovery, and it probably matters to no one but me, and maybe everyone else already knew this BUT: I have been wrong about how far along I am! Each time I've updated and said I'm a certain amount of weeks and days a long, but I was off.... by one day:) I have been thinking that each Saturday I move ahead, but I am due the 5th, which I just found out is next Friday... that is ONE WEEK away from TODAY, so I am actually 39 WEEKS along today, not tomorrow:) When I found thats out earlier this week and someone said, "yep she's due next week," I had it in my head that I was two weeks out still... and it REALLY hit me, "oh my, even if I don't come a day early, this baby is going to be here in one week." So as I go through all the last minute worries and doubts and excitements, here is what I'm pretty sure will be my last pregnancy blog!
I was on my way to the pool and realized I needed to snap a quick photo for this post,
so sorry about the swimsuit photo!

Weekly Pregnancy Questions

How far along?  39 Weeks!
How big is baby? Not sure, but probably sitting between 6-8lbs, and 18-21inch
Aaron Falco Johnson
Maternity clothes? 
I'm pretty much too big for my maternity clothes!
Weights gain?  138lbs :( I think mostly in water weight most recently! 
 Feeling the baby move?  I can feel his individual body parts now. The other night Trav and I watched him continually rolling his arm or leg back and forth, then his feet would push, and I can feel his hands flick open and shut down my by pelvic area. However, he's not moving too much this past week, he's sort of settling in I think.
Food cravings: 
I have eaten two Rock Mountain Drive Inn Cookie dough shakes in the past 7 days. I don't think I've had a shake up until this point.
Happy or moody? 
I'm all over the place. It really depends on the sleep I got the night before
Not. At. All. Get used to it, you're probably thinking.
Best moment(s) of the week? None. Just ready to be done!
Anything making you queasy?   Yesterday Maddix threw up and while I cleaned it I ended up leaving in dry heaves because it grossed me out so much
How is the bump? 
About to explode, really, if I run into a sharp corner it might just pop.
Missing anything?  Sleep, energy, being skinny, real exercise, my back not hurting, ankles (as of yesterday they are kankles), cooler weather and not feeling like I'm on fire all the time!
Belly button? 
Oh it popped awhile ago, but I'm not bad enough to need a band aid over it or anything like many women who show right through their clothing.
Looking forward to? Not being pregnant, helping Maddix adjust, getting out of this baby limbo, feeling normal, starting the next chapter.
Dad?  Disappointed in me that I didn't have the baby yesterday, the 27th, like everyone has been calling for this past month; says I let him down ;) For real he's fine, just tired of waiting and would rather be moving on.

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