Wednesday, June 12, 2013

This past week- May 7-12

FRIDAY: Had to go work a morning shift but before I left Travis and Maddix working in the backyard together. It was funny though because Maddix insisted he had a hat and gloves just like his daddy:)

Making room for the grow boxes
Little Gardner
Then Friday night we were lucky enough to have my sister and brother come babysit so we could attend a farewell bbq for a few of our good friends; unfortunately I forgot my camera but we had Brian/Camille, Ben/Camille, Greg/His Girlfriend, and Fernando/Cassidy/Baby Colton. It was really nice to get together with our friends WITHOUT the children:)

SATURDAY: Maddix was picked up early by Grandma Judy and Janelle and they took him to a fair that was over at the lake. He went on boat rides, hay rides, made crafts, and ate treats. When they brought him back they said he was an angel and they loved having him; I was proud. After his nap he went on the roof and helped daddy and grandpa work on the swamp cooler; he felt like a pretty cool guy:)

Then I had to go to work, which was actually an okay night:)

SUNDAY: Maddix was a really good to boy at church so he earned nursery time (yes, my son loves nursery so much it's treated like a reward for good sacrament time:) After church we went to dinner down at Grandma Eileen's house and enjoyed our evening there.

MONDAY: Unfortunately Travis started his shadowing hours at the doctor's office so begrudgingly we sent him off to do his hours. To pass the time Maddix and I went outside with a bucket of soapy water and began washing the windows and door. From there we moved onto the doors in the house, baseboards, vacuuming, and before Maddix knew it he'd tired himself out with cleaning, so I put him down for his nap. When I went to check on him he wasn't in his bed. At first I couldn't find him and then when I pulled back he corner of the rug: This is what I found (decided to sleep under the rug!). When he woke up I took him outside and we spent some time swinging before he started playing with Nala while I mowed the lawns. That night the weather cooled down nicely so we went back on the swings and Travis came home and enjoyed some time outside with us by going for a short walk.
TUESDAY, YESTERDAY: We took Travis to his job shadowing and continued up to P.G. where Maddix went to my Grandma's and I went to my doctor's apt. The apt was great, but I'll do a separate Prego update post later. When I went to pick Maddix up I found him playing in the garden with cousin Bella. They were having so much fun we ended up staying awhile longer, eating a really tasty lunch, then coming home just in time for nap time... for both of us! When we woke up we went up to play with cousin Keili and wait for Travis to bike to Larisa's, where we then took him and went home. Last night after dinner cousin Malika came to say goodbye since she entered the MTC today to leave for a mission in France. While they were over, Summer, our cute little neighbor girl came over to play with Maddix and ended up reading him 6 books before we put him to bed late:) She's so cute.

TODAY, WEDNESDAY: We enjoyed a walk on the river trail with my brother, Colton and then walked him part of the way home. I must say... I am getting tired extremely fast these days! It was partly the heat, and partly the distance, but it was all I could do to make him home and put the boy down for a nap. When he got up we cuddled to Oliver and Co. before going out back and enjoying some swing time/ fetch for the dog while the weather was cooling off. I LOVE when a storm is rolling in and it's cloudy and windy:) Then tonight before bath time and books this is where I found Maddix:

Gaming with the boys

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