Monday, June 3, 2013

Fun Times Since Arriving

Although the jet lag has worn off, I still can't remember all the fun things we've been up too... I really need to start writing things down.
On Tuesday we had the opportunity of having a play date with Camille Ch. and Maverick, as well as spending the day celebrating Garett's Graduation.
Learned to climb UP the slide
Way to Go Garett!

These two sure were excited for Garett...
and for it to be over ;) 

On Wednesday we took a walk along the River Trail with my co-worker who is equally as pregnant as I am (she's due 3 days after me) and Maddix was pretty excited when he discovered the fire department there doing training so there were trucks to look at... then there were cows in the river... and of course the ducks. On Thursday we enjoyed the weather before I had to go to work. It was my first night back to Chuck-a-rama... and it was Graduation night! We were slammed. I felt like I was being initiated, but I survived and was all too excited to go to bed knowing Travis would be home the next day!
Friday I could not sleep and the morning couldn't have gone by any slower! But finally, Vaughn, Maddix, and I took my car up to Salt Lake and went to collect our Travis!
Still head over hills for his pup

He's Home!!!!

Nala was SO excited
Since Travis has arrived home we've just been enjoying every minute with him. We don't sleep very much because we just can't get enough time as a family; Maddix sure did miss his daddy! We've also been fortunate enough to have a yard to play in since we've moved in with the Johnson's and in having a yard comes yard work so we've been outside every day. The other day we were even lucky enough to have the cousins come over and play as well.
Funny little Gummy Smile

Keili had pom-poms and
Maddix had a gun; poor
Nala was their target
Then Saturday we went for a family walk, worked in the yard some more, and then I went back to work. Sunday I went back to work and Maddix spent the day with Travis.

Today, Monday we went to my dr.'s check-up apt to find my doctor had been called out on an emergency C-section so after waiting awhile they sent us away and asked to come back later, where we then waited even longer, and three hours later he made it back and saw us for about 30 seconds before sending us on our way; that was a little frustrating. However we came home, ate lunch, took naps, and then went back outside to enjoy the weather.
Love our little Nala

Insisted Travis take a picture of him

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