Tuesday, May 29, 2012

~From Saturday to Tuesday 5/26-5/29~

SaTuRdAy'S EvEnTs
We woke up, caught a bus with the Elders and Kody, and made our way to the lake to once again celebrate a baptism! Now Travis officially has 2 young men in his group!

It was funny because the first time they went to baptize Sebastian his foot popped out and when the Elder's were trying to tell Mikojel to do it again, he got confused and just shoved him under water without any warning. On the third go around we finally got it:)

SuNdAy's EvEnTs

Maddix woke up feeling yucky so Travis took a turn staying home and I went to church and experienced our first ever Relief Society meeting. Normally church for us is "inspired" as it's been known to be called, where we have sacrament and then Sunday school and we're done. But we're going to start having every 4th Sunday be a split meeting for Priesthood and Relief Society, instead of Sunday school. I feel like it went well, and it was nice to be with the women; we even got a Relief Society activity planned for a week from Wednesday. Booya, we're moving up in the world!

MoNdAy'S EvEnTs
Well Monday was a long day of trying to play catch-up from putting everything off during the weekend. Maddix was TERRIBLE ALLLLLLLL DAAAYYYYY! Will I survive these terrible two's? We did manage to have a family night of tears, fits, two large pizza for $14.00 (love prices here), and a movie.
This was in between tears and just before he got sent to bed for being out of control. I wish I could say the FHE went as pleasantly as this picture looks... but we tried.
TuEsDaY's EvEnTs
(Just a warning: Picture overload) Today was good day. He still had many many out of control moments, but they were shorter and spread out.
He was yelling "night night" and when we'd come into the hall he'd look like this for a split second then start laughing. Ha Ha, what a goof!

And this.... well this is just how we feel lately! All of us!

This is his new thing he does. He runs around the house making this weird noise, with his hands like this so we've dubbed it, "what does the beaver say?" And this is what we now get :) Now he looks smart instead of ADD!

He was SO ready for his nap. Even superman needs a nap (wore his blanket like a cape his whole nap)
And today he was feeling yucky again. After his nap I took off his shirt and his belly was covered in the biggest rash I'd seen to date :( He was scratching uncontrollably at his belly and just couldn't handle it, so I turned to one of the two things I have here for illnesses; my oils. I want to THANK my GRANDMA JANET for the ESSENTIAL OILS. I rubbed them all over his skin,
Finding some relief from the oils!
  built him a bed on the couch, got him a drink, and put in Finding Nemo and before the movie was over his rash was gone! It was such a relief to see it gone! So we prepared for our next event: Our combined Mutual Activity! The second one we've ever had, and the first one not everyone could make it:
Yep, this was 100% attendance! But we got it! Plus I don't know if you can tell but the boys have a Polish B.O.M, Bailey has my English set, and Travis has his German set so they could all follow along! Pretty awesome I think

We did make your own Pizza's and sugar cookies with chocolate centers.

Maddix and I played hide and seek for a bit to give everyone else some space...

... so they could play Mario Smash Brothers:)

~I love how intense they are~

Then we ate... some of wore more of our food then actually ate it

But he did eat Lots of it, I'll give him that. He was so dirty I just had to throw him in a quick bath, then we said goodbye to everyone, cleaned it all up, and threw this little one into bed.
Well, I think that comprehensively catches us up! Hopefully I stay more caught up so I don't overload everyone with all these pictures again :) But I hope you enjoyed it!

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