Saturday, January 21, 2012

~FaMiLy TiMe~ last for awhile~

Fun Family Time comes in all shapes and sizes. For me, the last few days included Regionals for my brother and brother-in-law's swim team, packing up all my family possessions, and a family party with my parents and siblings:

Go Uncle Colton!
Today after Travis came home from reffing and announcing the swim meet we headed up to my Uncle Scott's who so graciously is letting us house all our stuff in his basement while we're gone, and we consolidated and organized all our stuff; I think we did pretty good so far:

Ta Da!
We got carried away with the boxes and ran late to our farewell party at my parents, but once we got there we partied hardy! Especially Maddix, who continued his new obsession with hiding inside cupboards. Also, tonight I found out my sister, Brenna, tried out for a club softball team and not only did she make it, she passed up her age of the 10year olds, and made the 12year old team! So proud of her.

Super Softball Sister!
For dinner we did homemade pizzas, ate sticky buns (way too many of them), and watched Shrek Four. All of a sudden when the movie ended we realized a late Christmas miracle occurred. Although it was late, the snow arrived; the first real snow fall of the year... and last year.
Yes, we're barefoot, all us sista's out in the snow!

After partying hard, and enjoying all our time together as a family, we made sure to include Nala in all the fun!

Poor Dog
She's so used to it, it's sad... So Fun.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I miss your family. Oh and I loved your comment on my Disneyland post. I'm in mourning over the fact that you're leaving soon. I need to call you.
