Saturday, January 14, 2012

~Several Things On My Mind~

Since its been a few days from the last time I've blogged I'm having a hard time focusing in on one particular post to make; therefore I'm just going to list some things that are on my mind (maybe that way I can try to shut my brain off at night instead of constantly thinking the night away. Does anyone else just think all night, instead of being able to sleep?) 
1. Will we ever leave? We are still waiting on our visas to come through so that we can legally live in Poland and we're afraid to book our plane tickets until we know we will receive them in time. So even though we've started to pack, we've made our first two payments for school, and we've said our goodbye's I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel because we've pushed our flight back from the 12th, to the 19th, to the 22nd, to the 29th, and today Travis mentioned moving it back to the 2nd of Feb :( Of course he's wise to try and give us more cushion room for our visas to come through, I'm just eager to go.
That's me anxiously waiting to leave.
2. When is my REAL last day of work? This past Wednesday the 11th was my last day on the official schedule because of when I originally thought we'd be moving, but thankfully my managers let me post a note saying I could pick of shifts if someone needed the day off and funny enough, I've worked every day since. It's been nice really, but I don't know how many times I've began to say goodbye to some of my regular customers! They've cried, we've exchanged contact information, they've tipped me extra big since it was my "last day," and at some point I'm wondering when we'll be done saying our final goodbyes! Not trying to complain however, it's been very convenient picking up shifts at my own freewill and choice, I'm just becoming embarrassed every time I see them "one more time." :)
Me on my way to work
3. Why do we have to have cellphones? Is there really a good reason we have to have cellphones? I mean, maybe one per couple, but every single person? I don't like that people can get a hold of me whenever they want. And if I don't answer right away then something must be wrong, I must have lost my phone, or I must personally be ignoring you. Maybe I just like having my day planned out and don't like that at the drop of a call my entire schedule for the day is scrapped and there's no structure. Can't people plan ahead?!
4. Muscle Memory: You know, it's funny to me that I can go weeks without playing the piano and then I can sit down, play for a good half hour and remember each key I'm supposed to play and at the end my fingers aren't in pain from being worked. It's  funny to me that I can ignore my accounting degree I spent so many hours studying for until one day someone asks me a fact and I rack my brain for the answer without it cramping up from the work. BUT I have been sick and I've gone some time without any working out and my first day back my muscles showed no memory to the work. I AM SO SORE! Why do I have to be this sore? Did my body really forget how to stay in shape that quickly? Where's the muscle memory now?
5. Why does teething have to hurt so bad? IS the pain necessary for these little ones to go through? Sure, they forget it, but we don't. Maddix is cutting his molars and he has never been so miserable. Oh he's got that croopy cough, the never ending runny nose, a fever, and all the aches and pains that keep him up ALL NIGHT LONG. I haven't had the best pictures to post of him since he's basically been crying for a week solid, but here are some shots I managed to get of him when he was trying to be brave and smile through the pain.

Bundled up to stay warm
Licorice anyone?
Trying to smile instead of cry
Staying warm in the car


  1. Love it all.

    1. You will make it to the day that you guys are supposed to leave! I know sometimes it seems like it will never come, but it always does. (I don't like to think about that day. I'm not too crazy about the idea of my best friend-sister leaving me for a couple of years).

    2. At least your making all that extra good-bye money!

    3. You have a cell phone so that I can get a hold of you easier. ...that is when I get the time to call. I'm like you, I structure out my days and have to actually "plan" for phone calls or else I feel like it throws off my day also.

    4. You are an amazing pianist.

    5. Teething is so terrible. I'm sorry you're having to go through this now, that can't be fun.

    I miss you guys!

  2. Mackenzie, I loved your reply! You're the best. Looking at that post today, I can't believe I made it so long. I actually dozed off in the middle of writing it so I'm glad it makes sense!
