Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Steps Toward the Bigger Goal

So normally, I look like this: Smiling and happy with the day. Especially when my son looks like this:
But today, on our list of errands I was scheduled to go get some shots since we're leaving the country and I haven't had shots since kindergarten. I'm terrified of needles, and my arms hurt! So instead of being smiley, I looked like this:
Oh also we received an email last night from the Polish Consulate stating that they'd received our application! That's the good part, bad part is that we sent a normal check to pay for the visas when they only accept money orders or cashiers checks! Ah! Will this ever go right?! So we ended up paying double to have the new check over-nighted and our 14 business days starts tomorrow... So much for leaving this weekend.
So for the meantime, you'll be seeing these familiar faces wondering about for a little while longer:)
Oh, and thank you to Grandma Judy for lunch at the Olive Garden yesterday, we had such a great time.
And thank you Michelle and Charlie for having dinner with us tonight! We've loved all the times we get to go out with you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I just love that photo of Maddix sleeping in the crib. He is such a boy, and so so cute.
