Saturday, April 14, 2012

A day with the church peeps

Our morning started with a little sunshine, just a little, that provided the perfect atmosphere for a baptism. Little Cole Mecham (Pres. Mecham's son) anxiously chose today... mid April... in Poland... to be baptized. No biggy right? Oh, except that we don't have baptismal fonts here so you either rent out an entire pool, or go to the local lake (the one from my pictures awhile back with the obstacle course).  And of course, he wanted the lake. Fine for us, we weren't the one's going into the lake. It was a great experience with two very funny things stuck out to me:
  1.   Becky told us that Cole wanted to be prepared to be baptized in the lake so he filled the tub up with freezing cold water and dunked himself a few times to practice:)  
  2.  There was a large, dead Badger laying at the lake and Travis made Maddix poke it with a stick as a right of passage.... he said all boys had to do it! Gross! It stunk afterward.
There was an amazing lunch following the lake and Becky put on some Amazing food! The woman is Mega mom I swear. Because then she volunteered to watch Maddix while Pres. Mecham was nice enough to run us to our apartment, let us change, then take us to the bus stop where we met up with Trav's classmates and went to Mydonik (not how it's spelled). It's here in town and it's the second largest concentration camp that ever existed.

I found it sobering to be there and got really lurchy in my stomach when we went into the creamatorium and when we visited this LARGE outdoor dome filled with all the ashes of the prisoners that died there, including full leftover bones! It was a wonderful experience, but it was definitely different.  The bus dropped us off and we decided to walk to Becky's, instead of call her. When we arrived we found the ENTIRE Mecham family laying up on the master bed, huddled around Maddix in his blanked, almost asleep, and watching Cars. Imagine me with an ear to ear grin right now :) I loved it!

So then after that we dropped Trav and Maddix at home and continued on to meet Lacey at the church to practice our duet for tomorrow. I tell you what, I didn't know the song, I hadn't practiced with Lacey at all, and Becky only got the piano music right then, but by the end of those two hours we sounded awesome. Once we were done Becky played some fun tunes to mess around and Bailey (her daughter) and I danced around the room. Then it was on to the store to buy ingredients for our big Branch Conference tomorrow! Everyone is coming, it's going to be huge!Then she took me home to start cookin'

So here's what I walk in the door too.... mind you it was 8:30 AT NIGHT, I open the door and the noise stops. I hear a "hewow?" Followed by a, "Coming!" And when I called out for him, he then let out a gasp and came running into my arms! He was so happy to see me, and I couldn't believe what he looked like when I found him!!
His face was ringed in a binki shape with dirt and food all around it, he had no pants, and his diaper was so poopy!
Oh and that's his Sunday shirt still needing to be changed from the baptism

Trav's only explanation was, "we're stinky men Lace. We're YOUR stinky men!" At which point he pinned me in a stinky hug and Maddix stinkely hugged my legs:) So with some clean up, and cooking I finally finished the lasagna and fruit salad for tomorrow; I hope everyone else gets done soon; we need some sleep. Especially because I didn't sleep at ALL last night. I was up all night! When Trav's alarm went off this morning I jumped for joy that it was finally 4:50am and I pestered him as he realized it was Sat, and wanted to go back to sleep, but I talked to him too much so he didn't get back to sleep until 6am but I just stayed up. So now it's 12:30am and it's almost my turn to go to sleep, yah! I love busy days.
P.s. Becky just bought me a ginormous bag of diapers that were on sale at the tesco here. It's a giant bundle of 92 huggies diapers and she got them for 25zlotys! That is less than $10 dollars! Holy freak! These should last him the whole time he's size 5! Yah for sales!

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