Sunday, April 22, 2012

"Sunday, 'Buggy' Sunday!!"

Sunday is my favorite day of the week, it's no surprise that I just love going to church. So today when I woke up with a remainder of my terrible migraine that had me in tears last night (and a case of the it's that time of the month) I was disappointed when I realized I would not be making it to church today. Thankfully, I have a devoted hubby who willingly took on the challenge of wrestling with Maddix through all of church alone. Thanks Trav for letting me stay in bed today. 

When they came home, Travis informed me that Maddix probably took a turn sitting on every single person's lap during sacrament and on the way home he got to hang his head out the window like a dog, and loved it:) SO I also need to document that Maddix has now successfully mimicked  4 prayers:) Each one is better than the last and he's really getting a feel for it so I think we're going to rotate him in on an official "Maddix's night" for prayer. 

Then tonight we had the missionaries over for dinner, which is always a wonderful time, and we even got to play a little Settlers while we waited for the food to cook. I might make dinner take longer every Sunday if it means we get some game time in! 

Okay, for the WORST part of the day......... this "warmer" weather is bringing out the bugs, and my fight that had briefly halted against the Silverfish is once again ON. And as I'm fighting them, I'm really starting to notice things: The older they are, the fatter they are and slower, the younger ones are more white and jittery so they're harder to kill. Most of them are sleek, but tonight I think I killed the oldest one because he was FAT, and SLOW, and sort of HAIRY. But it gets worse: I've been able to track their habits of when I seem them more 1) when the shower has leaked extra and there's water on the floor 2)When the bathroom needs to be cleaned and the floor is becoming dusty and 3)........... well How do I put this politely and without too much detail :

Have you seen ANCHORMAN? There is a scene where they discuss hiring a woman and how it might be a danger to the company to employ a female and Steve Carell makes the argument, " I hear the periods attract bears!"............. 
........... These Silverfish are our bears. AHHHHHHHHH!!!! 

So tonight I opened the bathroom door and this is when I found the big papa spinning in slow circles. I spent a long time staring at him since I knew I could kill him at any moment, and then I felt someone watching me. I looked around the bathroom and saw no others but then the light peaked into the hall and there, maybe a centimeter from my toe was a freaking SCARY one just staring at me, trying to blend into my rug! I keep shoes EVERYWHERE for this very purpose and I quickly killed him. He had been slow playing me. You could tell it was his plan to use the fatty as bait while he snuck out of the bathroom safely. Now they're leaving the bathroom?! It's like day one all over again, and I cannot go there. Did I tell you we had some creepy centipede looking cocoon hatch in our window last week and thousands of little bugs started trying to come in our window sill?! I sent Travis with the can of raid and it took two rounds but we got them all. Why can't these fish die as easily?! I don't know if I can handle many more bug surprises. I'm totally used to killing on a daily basis, 5-10 teeny beetles all over the apartment, a lace wing, and a silverfish, and It's so often now that most the time I don't even pick them off the wall. So there are dead little beetles all over my walls. Gross yes? Well, it's like that patch of weeds you've picked a million times that keeps coming back. After awhile you learn to live with them. .... the beetles I mean. NOT the Silverfish!!!!!!!
I imagine Hell being full of Silverfish, Mosquitoes, bedbugs, and flies!

Thank goodness we're leaving tomorrow to go babysit the Mecham kids for the week so hopefully I can come back prepared to fight!!!!
Ps. sorry for so much reading and no pictures. I left the camera in Maddix's room. 


  1. I just Googled a picture of a silver fish. SICK SICK SICK. Just threw up a little in my mouth.

  2. ha ha I know, and when they move it's gross. I went to go to the bathroom in the night and stepped on one in the hall and killed two more in the bathroom, so I grabbed the can of raid and went to work.
    In the morning there were probable 10 of them dying on the floor from the spray. And so far there haven't been anymore! For now
