Saturday, April 28, 2012

~Ending our Week with the Mecham's~

Friday: Each day keeps becoming more and more beautiful, and if over night, spring has sprung and everything is green. So after we got home from the pool we put Maddix down for a nap and played tag outside for awhile; and we actually got a sunburn. Then that night, we had Movie and Pizza Night!
Like this face right here! 

These are the faces that were being silly at Maddix... that were making  him make faces like
After the pizza was delivered we put in a movie and they all watched a movie while I went to bed early, as I'm coming down with a cold... I think I picked something up from that soccer game we played with all the children the other day... all their dirty germs just overwhelmed my system that is not used to being around anyone anymore!

Saturday's Doings:
Click on this pic: You'll see the neighbor farming with no shirt. Common sight now  that the weather is warming up.

So Happy to be in the driver's seat
So after getting the house put in order we decided to hook up the GPS and drive to kazimierz dolny to enjoy the weather, and having Travis around for the first time this week.

This is the sort of "heavy" traffic we ran into on the way. LOTS of tractors, and a couple of horse and buggies; only in Poland
Okay, in these pictures you can see that the roads are fairly nice and even, but some of the roads on the gps got PRETTY sketchy. We began to argue with the woman's voice on the gps so much that we decided she needed a name: Lola. And here are some places that Lola decided to take us:
These are the trees that inspired Dr. Seus' trees in his books:)

One minute we were on a road, and the next thing we knew we were on some dirt road in the middle of NOWHERE and this lonely cow was tide up in a field... Travis had to make fun of the cow for being alone (what'a jerk)

We were on this lonely little dirt road  for quite some  time with no signs that Lola was going to get us to kazimierz dolny.

Where the Heck ARE WE?!

Seriously Lola? Into a grove of trees? 
BUT despite her best efforts to send us into an abandoned field in the middle of nowhere we did finally make it and we enjoyed the town:
Yes, people still travel this way

Loved the pirates ships all along the lake

At the entrance of the town of kazimierz dolny

View from the rooftops on the way to a castle tower

Hike to a graveyard at the top of hill
The tower across from the hike

Hiking up to the tower

Reached the top... wahoo. Thanks Bailey for the picture

Notice Mckay about to eat it as he slipped off the curb, ha ha

Really? Homemade Patchwork overalls.. and these were not even close to the most ridiculous looking overalls we saw (and they were everywhere)

Their town square
Grim Reaper was just waiting for an unsuspecting victim... to ask for a photo and then  CHARGE them for it. Muahahah. Evil! 

Enjoying some ice cream before the drive home

Running back to the car

I think we finally wore them out!! 
You can't see it real well, but Maddix ate it hard and ripped up his elbow! My poor boy. 

Other than that he really enjoyed the day and was devastated when Becky and Pres. Mecham came home and he no longer got to truck around with these two boys:
He loved so much to be one of the big boys this week.
Thanks Becky for trusting us with your three little beloved's, we had a blast:)

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