Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

So I mentioned that the sun has been absent for majority of the days we've been here and it's really been a bummer, so you can imagine how BEAUTIFUL today was when we woke up at 6:00am with the sun BLAZING through our window and there was no possibility we were going back to bed!

After starting the day off with a good work out and a run around the city with Seena (Trav's classmate) we quickly began preparing for our food swapping-recipe learning-branch dinner hosted at the Mecham's. It started with just a couple of us wanting to exchange recipes and escalated into a full out dinner with the Mecham's, us, Kody and Jasmine (our Taiwanese members), Pawel, and the Elders. It was crazy busy in the kitchen as we rotated everyone's food stations, trying to learn it all. Then when we sat down to eat we practically devoured every last bit of it. Man, Jasmine can cook. There will be some pictures from here popping up on facebook sooner or later.

Anyhow, it was a wonderful day, it flew by in the blink of an eye and now it's all a haze because at the end of the party I picked up a migraine that was blinding me so we ended the fun and came home.  Now we're chatting with the Johnsons. So goodnight! Here's the picture for the day
P.s. I forgot to mention in my post last night that when Bailey and I were having our sleep over, we heard this really loud music around midnight. I looked out the window and what did I see? I big old bus having a crazy party. Seriously, it was a Party Bus (like you see on t.v.). The interior lights were red strobe lights, there was blaring music, the driver was on the intercom acting like a D.J., and people kept pulling up out of nowhere and hopping on the bus. For about 20minutes it was just parked outside of our home just waiting for the last of it's home boys to show up then it left... and I assume it went to find a party :)

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